Hellobee Boards


September 2018 Moms!

  1. JLC53

    cherry / 175 posts

    First ultrasound is Wednesday with OB. Super excited...!

    This nauseousness is killing me though. Going to talk to my OB about it on Wednesday. I did not have it this bad with my first and its just awful. I have only vomited twice actually, but feel like I can at any moment.

    I worry about medication for the nauseousness. Should I just suck it up?

  2. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @JLC53: I feel you so much. If I can force myself to keep my stomach full it’s manageable, though still shitty. But actually making something and eating it is torture to me right now. My husband is pushing me to call before my first appointment (not till Monday) to see what my options are because if I don’t eat I’m not functional. My bestie is suggesting unison + B6, butni year you that it makes me nervous too, and I obviously want to talk to my midwife about it. It was not this bad for me the first time around either. Ughhhhhhh

  3. JLC53

    cherry / 175 posts

    @MrsBucky: It is terrible. I am sorry you are going through it too! I had no idea until now what people complained about. I was like pregnancy was a cake walk, now I just want to feel normal again.

  4. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    I've been trying to figure out if I feel like crap because of the congestion/post nasal drip that is lingering or the morning sickness. I think it is a combination of both. I feel nauseous and exhausted throughout the day and it makes me want to lay around. I am ready to feel normal again!

    I don't know if I just can't remember this feeling from the first time around or if it was easier to manage because I didn't have a toddler to entertain.

  5. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @JLC53: I know. I definitely didn't think pregnancy was a cake walk last time, but it wasn't nearly this bad early on. I felt gross, but I was functional. I spent literally the entire weekend doing nothing except trying not to vomit. Last time the worst part for me was towards the end when my son's skull was hitting my public bone making walking excruciating, hah.

  6. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    The nausea hit me this weekend though it doesn't sound as bad as you ladies. Between that and utter exhaustion I feel like I'm barely managing. Looks irking forward to getting past this.

    With DS I remember being tired but I never had morning sickness.

  7. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @ALV91711: Yes to the utter exhaustion. I'm in bed and it's just now 8pm. So tired.

    I've also been dealing with my fair share of nausea and vomiting but since this is my fourth pregnancy with all day sickness I've found a few things that have worked for me pretty consistently and just really lean into them to try and make it through. I threw up 7 times on Saturday though...

  8. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @coopsmama: lord I don’t know how you do it four times! I keep thinking I don’t know if I can do this again and risk feeling this awful for a third. I’m hoping that thinking passes once I feel better, but.......

  9. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @coopsmama: I don't know how you've done this 4 times! Can't imagine being that sick with three others to look after.

  10. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @MrsBucky: Ha!! That thinking will pass. Trust me. It always has for me anyways. Last night I told my husband that I was so discouraged thinking about feeling this way for the next 10 - 12 weeks (of history repeats itself - I'm usually if nausea free until just before 20 weeks) and he was like, "I tried to warn you!! You wouldn't listen." It's so true. He did warn me. I ignored him. That said it is always so worth it in the end! If you really feel like a third is right for your family and you want another, it would be worth it. I feel like a few months of sickness is worth it to avoid lifelong regret!

    @ALV91711: It's actually been easier than my last two pregnancies even though I have 3 to care for. My kids are 4, 3 and 1 and my 4 year old dotes on my 1 year old. They play really well together. Yesterday I was able to lay on the couch for a bit when I was at my most nauseous and they played Duplos while I rested. Then, free I dropped my big kids at preschool for a few hours in the afternoon, my one year old napped and so did I! So that's been nice.

  11. greencraftycello

    cherry / 174 posts

    Ugh, I feel like a UTI is coming on. Something felt off since Sunday, and symptoms have continued, so I have a doctors appointment this afternoon. Anyone else deal with UTIs in pregnancy?

  12. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @JLC53: Fingers crossed for a happy and healthy ultrasound!

    @coopsmama: @ALV91711: @MrsBucky: @JLC53: I'm sorry you guys are so sick! My morning sickness was AWFUL with my son, but this time I finally found what works for me. I take a full tab of unisom and b6 at 6:30 at night and am passed out by 7:30 and wake up at 6 and don't feel groggy at all. It's not much of a life but it's so much better than being sick all the time.

  13. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @greencraftycello: Not personally but my friend who is currently pregnant with twins ended up having them so often they finally figured out it was kidney stones. Hopefully yours clears up right away!

  14. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @crazydoglady: So with those two things, you feel no nausea at all the next day? I've always heard of that remedy - I may have to try it.

  15. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @coopsmama: It's extremely limited. I still have moments of feeling icky but it's a really dull nausea. So it's a full tab of unisom and 25 mg of b6. I also think the crazy amount of sleep helps, too. I just take it around bedtime for LO and make sure DH is "on call."

  16. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @crazydoglady: im so tempted to try it but want to talk to my midwife first, so I’m trying to hold off until my first appointment on Monday. As long as I can force myself to eat, I’ve kept it to a dull gross/ nausea feeling. Ice cold gaterade helps, too. I’m also trying saltines before I get out of bed too.

  17. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @crazydoglady: I’m also jealous your kid goes to bed at 6:30 😂mine is still singing in his bed at 8:30 😬

  18. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @MrsBucky: Totally understandable! I hope your midwife gives you the go ahead. Technically, bedtime isn't until 7, but I take it early to give some time to kick in.

  19. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    So, I am a teacher and realized that I will go to summer vacation come back for the first two weeks and then go on mat leave until Jan or Feb. Oh well. 😂I've already talked to our daycare provider about an infant spot and it's looking pretty positive that we can get a spot.

  20. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    September Mamas
    9/3-- muffinsmuffins
    9/6-- emmaNZ
    9/8-- crazydoglady
    9/18-- ruby26
    9/19-- MrsBucky
    9/23-- BecBeeAtx
    9/26-- bluemasonjar, cyntist

  21. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @crazydoglady: All the teachers I know who were expecting in September didn't even start the year - is that an option for you? I know most teachers have pretty generous mat leave options, if you can take it unpaid.

  22. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: I mean, technically, I can but my disability insurance only covers two weeks before delivery. I know this due date isn't ideal for due dates but after TTC for 9 months, any due date would do.

  23. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    Also, totally unrelated but does anyone else feel like they are showing already? (It also doesnt help that I am up quite a few lbs after the holidays and eating everything in sight due to morning sickness.)Definitely hiding things at work until I am ready to tell.

  24. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @crazydoglady: I don’t, but only because I was doing a whole 30 with my husband before I found out I was pregnant. I tried to keep at it, until I realized I was down 10 lbs and it freaked me out, so I stopped. The nausea kicked in shortly thereafter, so I’ve similarly been eating whatever I can stomach, which isn’t great. I am already in maternity pants, but mostly because anything right on my stomach makes me feel worse, not really because I need it yet.

  25. greencraftycello

    cherry / 174 posts

    @crazydoglady: Thanks! I have been chugging water since I felt it coming on, and when they did the initial test at the doctor’s, it came back negative. Fingers crossed that the culture also comes back negative. Feeling better today, so we’ll see.

  26. JLC53

    cherry / 175 posts

    First ultrasound went well! They actually moved up my due date to 9/1 saying baby measured over 10 weeks. Which really doesn't make sense because that means I ovulated while I had my period, but I'm not going to argue and just going with it. Everything looked good on ultrasound. Seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat was a huge huge relief.

    She did prescribe me Diclegis. I am really hoping it gives me some sort of relief.

  27. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @JLC53: Congrats on the healthy ultrasound! I was also prescribed diceglis, but insurance didn't cover (And it's basically a time released version of b6 and unisom.) I hope you get the relief you need! Would you like me to change your due date?

  28. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @crazydoglady: I'm feeling like it is going to be harder to hide things at work than I'd like. Between the holiday eating, barely going to the gym and now eating all the food I feel like the weight is going to come in fast.

    @JLC53: Glad things went well! I wonder if baby will stay with that timeline?

  29. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @JLC53: I'm strangely nervous this is going to happen to me on Monday too! My parents are trying to plan a big family vacation internationally this summer, and I feel like my ability to go/fly is going to be tight with my estimated due date. But I tested and got a positive so early, I'm worried early implantation happened and I'll be further along than I think! I think part of the reason I'm avoiding telling my parents is because I'm going to totally screw up this big family trip once again. (My pregnancy with DS ruined the first time my parents tried to do something like this... sigh)

  30. JLC53

    cherry / 175 posts

    @crazydoglady: My insurance also does not cover it either. My OB gave me a ton of samples. Whats the B6 and unisom dose? I am going to take it for the first time Saturday night, as my son's birthday is tomorrow and we have a big day planned. Party on Saturday, I don't want to have any weird reaction or something to ruin those events. Do you have anything weird. I was told it can make you super tired. I am such a light weight when it comes to medication and if I take anything that makes you drowsy I am out of it for at least 24hrs. Sure - you can change the due date, at least it is still September.

    @MrsBucky: Oh no... We are going to cancel our end of July vacation we had planned. I will be 34 weeks exactly and I just don't want to risk it. I am hoping your parents will understand!

  31. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    @crazydoglady: I have some B6 on hand but made DH pick up some Unisom for me yesterday because I can't deal with the all day nausea anymore. Took a half a Unisom and full B6 before bed and not feeling much different today but going to stick with it at least another day and move to a full pill if it doesn't improve.

    I am also up a few pounds and have been a little bloated lately but don't think anyone would mistake it for a bump yet. I feel like it is going to pop early this time around though.

  32. muffinsmuffins

    persimmon / 1023 posts

    We are in the same boat re:summer plans. DS was born at 35 weeks and I’m scared of that happening again with a September 3 due date. Our good friends are having a wedding out of town July 1st weekend and I don’t think we will plan much more that isn’t close by. I’ve heard that if you have preterm labour/delivery, your chances are higher to have it happen again. It makes me sad to miss our annual cottage trips and whatnot but I think we will be too paranoid...at least I want to be around a proper hospital if we do take a last minute trip.

    Is everyone doing first trimester screening?

  33. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    I’m planning to ask my midwife the latest they would be comfortable with me traveling internationally and use that as a guide. Luckily my son came at 39+4 so I don’t have a history of going early. I know my husband wants to go back to Germany this summer too, so I’m hoping we can squeak in an early trip since I’m not due till 9/19. I don’t know! I’m really torn about it! Mostly I’m waiting to see what the practice recommends before I tell my parents so we are at least planning based on medical advice. I’m sure they will be happy but also disappointed, which I’m just trying to get used to, as a lot of people I know will had sad feelings triggered when I tell them I’m pregnant. A bit of a bummer. @muffinsmuffins: I can’t remember what all that screening includes. Can you remind me?

  34. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    September Mamas
    9/3-- muffinsmuffins
    9/6-- emmaNZ
    9/8-- crazydoglady
    9/18-- ruby26
    9/19-- MrsBucky
    9/23-- BecBeeAtx
    9/26-- bluemasonjar, cyntist

  35. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @JLC53: To start, I would take a half tab of unisom and 25mg of b6 until your body gets used to it. I would take it early evening after LO goes to bed and you are off LO duty for the night. If that doesn't work or your body gets used to it, increase to the full tab of unisom. I mean, it's a sleeping pill so it will make you really tired but if I make sure I get tons of sleep, there isn't an issue.

  36. muffinsmuffins

    persimmon / 1023 posts

    @MrsBucky: We are in Canada so had the choice between one that's covered by OHIP and one that wasn't (we are doing the OHIP covered test) We didn't do it with DS but we are this time so I had to do a bit of research. It's a blood test and ultrasound to assess risk of the common trisonomies as far as I know.

  37. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: I think that was routine with my last practice but optional this time. I assume insurance will cover it if we opt to do it but we haven’t discussed whether to do it or not.

  38. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @Bluemasonjar: The game changer for me was a full tab. But definitely take it in the early evening as opposed to right before bed so you aren't so groggy in the morning.

  39. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: my first ultrasound will be at about 12 weeks, don't have it booked yet, and includes some sort of screening but I don't remember exactly what.

  40. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    Location: Boston

    EDD: 9/30

    First child? Yes, hopefully!

    Any symptoms? Super fatigued the past week, burpning like mad

    Who have you told? SIL and her husband know, husband of course, and a friend of mine doing my intralipids of me.

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Constant fear of losing another. It took us 3.5 years to see our first BFP and we've had 2 loses since. I don't know what life is like not trying and prepping for cycles and can hardly imagine something working out differently.

    And my queasy sickness suddenly stopped today. So now i'm freaked out by that sudden change.

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