Welcome to our September 2018 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to our September 2018 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
nectarine / 2431 posts
Location: California
EDD: 9/8/18
First child? Nope, DS is 2.5
Any symptoms? I'm definitely more emotional and tired. I have passing queasiness. I had pretty awful morning sickness with my son that started at 6 weeks.
Who have you told? DH, sister, and a few friends who know that we've been trying for a while.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm simultaneously worried that I am having twins (we used femara) or that this won't work out (we've had two losses in the past.) I almost want morning sickness because I had it with my one successful pregnancy, but I know that every pregnancy is different. I have my first ultrasound set up for next Friday.
kiwi / 656 posts
Location:Washington DC area
EDD: 9/19
First child? Second, DS will be 3.5 exactly on my due date
Any symptoms? Not really?
Who have you told? My bff, my husband and my therapist.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I know two close friends who had late losses (20+ weeks) in the last three months which triggers a lot of anxiety in me. I’m worried about having to eventually tell them both. I’m worried about my work set up and how that will change with baby 2 (I am part time). I’m worried about getting a colicky baby and never sleeping again. But none of those is overwhelming at the moment- right now I’m mostly still just shocked and quasi in denial. I also need to find a doctor or midwife ASAP since we moved a year ago and I never found an OBGYN here.
pear / 1697 posts
Location: Maryland, just outside DC
EDD: 8/23...but I'd rather join y'all in September. I was due with my first kid 4/18 and didn't have him until 5/1; everyone in my April group was delivered and had moved over to the postpartum thread at least a week before I delivered!
First child? Nope, #2
Any symptoms? Both hungry and not hungry all day, vaguely nauseous, sore nipples, very bloated.
Who have you told? Just my care providers, partner, and y'all. This pregnancy looks good (*knock wood*), but it is following two losses and an ectopic in the last year, so I feel very guarded.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Another loss. I feel very superstitious that telling people will somehow make things go wrong.
nectarine / 2431 posts
@lilyofthewest: I've been wondering about you!!! I am SO glad things are going well!
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/19-- mrsbucky
kiwi / 656 posts
@lilyofthewest: I wonder if we are near one another? We are also in the Maryland burbs! How old is #1? Do you mind sharing which hospital you delivered/ will deliver at? We have moved since I had my son and I still need to find a doctor/ hospital.
cherry / 175 posts
Thanks so much for starting!!!!
Location: central NJ
EDD: 9/12/18
First child? #2
Any symptoms? Nothing major yet. Although I have been having some cramping, which I didn't have at all with my first pregnancy. OB says normal as long as it isn't server.
Who have you told? My husband, my mom, and close girlfriend (she would figure it out because we are major wine drinkers when we get together, lol)
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I am scared on the logestics of having two. And finances are scaring me a ton right now. My husband lost his job right before Christmas and he is going to start his own start up.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/19-- MrsBucky
coffee bean / 36 posts
Hi ladies! I wasn't very good about keeping up with my HB mom group before... I'm going to try to be better this time!
Location: Chicago
EDD: 9/18/18 based on ovulation, 9/14 based on LMP
First child? #2
Any symptoms? cramping, insomnia (it's so bad). Not too bad so far!
Who have you told? DH, & a couple online friends that I don't see IRL, haha
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm concerned/anxious about having twins; my betas at 13DPO were on the high side and I have all the family history. Terrified of miscarriage- too many people in the past 2 years in our friends and family group have experienced loss. SOOOOO excited to have a late summer baby.
pear / 1697 posts
@MrsBucky: I'm on the DC/Takoma Park/Silver Spring border. I had a home birth with MAMAS Midwives with #1 (who is 2.5) and plan to see them again for #2. If I were planning a hospital birth I think I'd want to deliver with the midwives at GW.
kiwi / 656 posts
@lilyofthewest: we aren’t far and our kiddos are similar ages! We are a few miles north of downtown silver spring. I had a midwife assisted hospital birth last time and am headed to an info session for midwifery care associates in Rockville next week to check them out. They deliver at Adventist hospital in Rockville, so it’s 25 ish minutes from our home, but will be closer than we were to the hospital last time. We’ll see what I decide. No one I know IRL down here has used midwives so I’m flying a bit blind. How was your Home birth experience? I’m intrigued by the idea but too scared to do it I think.
pear / 1697 posts
@MrsBucky: Mostly it was looooong due to a compound presentation. I was in noticeably uncomfortable labor for over 40 hours, in "active" labor for over 24 hours, and a really long (not sure how long, but 5+ hours) pushing phase. In a hospital setting, protocols would have forced augmentation if not a c-section. I'm really grateful that my midwives had the patience and flexibility to let things unfold (slowly!) given that baby and I were both doing well.
The one thing about having a home birth that I didn't really like was the stress of hosting people at the same time as giving birth. Midwives are extremely unassuming and self-sufficient (and at a certain point in labor you can't care anymore!) but it really bugged me in the weeks leading up to delivery and in early labor.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
kiwi / 656 posts
@lilyofthewest: thanks for sharing! With my first I was only in labor about 22 hours, 12-14 of those at home. However from there my birth story includes 4 cabs, two hotels and laboring in a hotel room for several hours because I wasn’t far enough along to be admitted into the birth suite, and then delivering my son within 20 minutes of finally arriving back at the hospital. I’m hoping the hospitals down here will be more flexible and that working with a midwife will help me avoid unnecessary interventions, but 🤷♀️. We will see, I guess!
coffee bean / 36 posts
@crazydoglady: Thank you! I lurked on the POAS thread and am so glad you're here!!
@MrsBucky: That's quite an intense labor experience, it sounds like!
nectarine / 2431 posts
How is everyone feeling? I am SO exhausted. I have moments of feeling queasy and then it passes, but my morning sickness with my son didn't kick in until 6 weeks.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@lilyofthewest: thread stalking to say gentle congrats. I had two losses and ectopic last year and am now pregnant with baby boy due literally the day before the anniversary of my salpingectomy last year. Pulling for you!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Location: SW Washington
EDD: 9/21
First child? My 4th!! Hard to believe. I have a boy (4) and 2 girls (3 and 1)
Any symptoms? Sore boobs, a bit of nausea now and again, and I have some slight cramping in my back now and again which is a pregnancy symptom in the early days for me. The lion's share of my symptoms never come until after 6 weeks for me.
Who have you told? DH and a few friends
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We've moved since my last baby and don't have any family or close friends here...so this is a long way's off and only relevant if everything goes smoothly with the pregnancy but I have no idea what I will do with my kids when I go into labor! Also, I need to find a midwife here.
kiwi / 656 posts
@JLC53: @coopsmama: welcome ladies!! Glad to see team September filling out a bit.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
cherry / 175 posts
Just checking in!!! 6 weeks tomorrow...
Literally the day I found out I was pregnant the exhaustion kicked in... I don't know if it is real or mental... Haha!
I have had waives of nauseousness, but nothing that wasn't manageable. I didn't get sick once with my son and I am hoping I won't this time around either. I hope I am not jinxing myself right now.
kiwi / 656 posts
@coopsmama: I’m going to a midwife open house tonight and am trying to think of questions to ask! Any brilliant suggestions?
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@MrsBucky: well, I suppose it depends what kind of birth you are hoping to have and if you are looking at an in hospital midwife or one for a home birth! I have had one home birth midwife and then the other two with the hospital midwives. I asked the hospital midwives how they supported natural labor, what their policies are in terms of induction and how long they would let me go late, what their options are in terms of the gestational diabetes test, what they did re: cord clamping, what pain management they offered, if they allowed water birth or use of a tub for labor management, and I also looked into their c section rate and where they would transfer my care if for some reason I risked out of their practice.
Hope that's helpful! I am sorry for such a jumbled reply - only have a minute between shuffling my two older kids to pre k and preschool and getting the baby down for nap!
grape / 86 posts
Hello I'm happy to be joining you all.
Location: New Zealand
EDD: 6 Sept
1st child? 2nd! I have a 2 year old.
Symptoms: tired and nausea... ugh..
Who.have I told? Husband, daughter, sister, close friends, some colleagues
Current thoughts: nervous that something will go wrong, I'm looking forward to having an ultrasound but don't think we routinely have one until 12 weeks! Anxious to meet my midwife and see if we are a good fit. Overwhelmed at the thought of having 2 kids... the financial side of it... and how I will cope in terms of energy and sleep deprivation!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@JLC53: I hear ya! I am so tired but the morning sickness is worse. It's reassuring because I had it with my son but not with my losses, but it still sucks.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/6-- emmaNZ
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
nectarine / 2431 posts
@EmmaNZ: I feel the same way!
I used femara, so I am nervous about multiples, but also just nervous the baby isn't healthy. So...i feel like I am all over the place.
clementine / 920 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA
EDD: September 26th
First child? This will be our second. We have a 2.5 year old boy.
Any symptoms? None yet but had morning sickness with my first one so expecting that to begin at some point.
Who have you told? Only DH since I just got my BFP this morning. Planning to call my best friend later today. Will wait a few weeks before telling immediate family.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Worried about having the energy to keep up with my DS while pregnant, financial concerns with 2 in daycare and how it will effect my work life. DS got very sick last year and has therapy and follow up appointments and most likely a surgery at some point this year so it is going to be challenging but know there is never going to be a "right time" to add to our family.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/6-- emmaNZ
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
9/26-- bluemasonjar
pea / 6 posts
Hello! I have been lurking on the ttc boards for too long, hoping to keep that from happening here!
Location: Austin TX
EDD: 9/23/18
First child? Yes
Any symptoms? tiredness & mild cramping.
Who have you told? Just DH & my best friend who I visited the morning I had the faintest line at DPO9.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Feeling good, but cautious. I had chemical a few cycles ago and that's always in the back of my mind.
kiwi / 656 posts
@Bluemasonjar: @BecBeeAtx: welcome ladies!
I keep taking cheapies because I feel way too normal right now. But I keep getting so I guess this is real? I found a midwife a group and made an appointment so I’ll have that on 2/12! I think my DS senses a disturbance in the force because he has become rather clingy. We aren’t telling him for a while (haven’t decided when) but I think he senses something is up.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
8/23-- lilyofthewest
9/6-- emmaNZ
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
9/23-- BecBeeAtx
9/26-- bluemasonjar
nectarine / 2431 posts
@MrsBucky: We haven't told DS yet but he's 2.5, so I don't think he really gets it. I bet your tests are getting nice and dark! I haven't tested since my BFP.
Anyone have an appointment coming up? My first ultrasound is tomorrow. With my history of loss, I am kind of nervous, but I was also really nervous before my son's first ultrasound.
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