I'm nervous and have been trying to follow other recent posts on CIO. I used to feel nervous about night weaning but since LO is 3 weeks shy from turning a year I should be confident that he does not need to eat at night, right? I kept waiting him out because he would do a stretch where he only woke up at 4 or 5 eat then go back to sleep at least til 7 but things just got progressively worse and he never does that anymore. The bad nights (multiple wakings-either they take 5 min or 1 hr to get him sleeping again) outweigh the good and we all need more restful sleep! So usually, even on a bad night, he will go to sleep at 8:15 and not fully wake up for the day until at least 7, usually 7:30 or 8. So do I just pick 7 as the "not until" for getting him out of his crib/nursing? If you sleep trained your baby around this age please tell me your story!