Not sure what I am looking for...other than, "is this normal?" But I just had my first follicle scan at cd 12 (I typically get a positive opk on cd 12-14) but, when I had the scan today, the Dr told me I have two follicles that are only 13mm and my lining in getting there but not quite yet. She doesn't think I will O until cd 17-18 which is really late for me. This is my first time using femara so I don't know if it pushed it back. She also thought the follicles were "slow growers." She said I could come in for another scan on Friday but we are paying out of pocket completely and I don't want to throw another scan if this is just a bust. She told me to trigger when I get a positive opk.
Not sure what I looking for but anyone have any insights, similar stories, etc? Thanks!