My 18 month old has struggled with taking naps at home for a while now, but the last few weekends he flat out will. not. nap.
While he's generally always slept well overnight, he has never been a good napper. On three naps, he slept about 27 minutes for a long time. When we moved to two naps, it was an hour if we were lucky. He's been on one nap since just after a year, when we gave up on the second nap because we could never get him to sleep. On one nap, he generally sleeps better but he's never really napped longer than three hours and that is rare.
Daycare nap time is two hours and he usually sleeps for all of it and goes to sleep easily. At home, falling asleep has been harder and harder for naps. Last Sunday I never got him to sleep. We rocked, we paced, I patted his back, I let him cry for 45 minutes, we went on a car ride, we went on a long stroller walk. No sleeping.
At night, we lay him down, say goodnight, and walk out and he falls asleep easily on his own after that and sleeps 11.5-12 hours straight.
Any tips?