Here are my symptoms by DPO, what do you think?
DPO are approximate.
Using: Clearblue Advanced Digitial Ovulation Predictor Kit
Cycle: 5
Average cycle: 31 days
AF shows up on time about 70% of the time.
3 days of high fertility
"peak" day on cycle day 18
Cycle Day 15 - high fertility, no bd
Cycle Day 16 - high fertility, DTD
Cycle Day 17 - high fertility, no bd
Cycle Day 18 - peak fertility, DTD, stopped OPK
1 dpo - nothing, DTD
2 dpo - nothing
3 dpo - nothing (wanted to bd but DH just wasn't in the mood)
4 dpo - nothing
5 dpo - light spotting
6 dpo - light spotting
7 dpo - light spotting
8 dpo - nothing
9 dpo - nothing (went skiing, wiped out, bruises and minor whiplash)
10 dpo - increased libido, DTD, tension
11 dpo - sore breasts, increased libido, sore body (probably from the fall)
12 dpo - twinging pain on left side, trouble concentrating, dull headache (can't tell what is pre-AF symptoms, early pregs or from wiping out)
13 dpo - light cramping, shakiness, trouble concentrating, slightly faint/fatigued
14 dpo - light cramping, twinging on left side, sore breasts, clear mucousy discharge which is odd (due for AF today or tomorrow), symptoms of low blood pressure and sugar (ugh, how hard did I fall. This is totally messing me up) Did a dollar store hot test. Negative.
15 dpo - light cramping, twinging on left side, sore breasts, clear mucousy discharge continued, symptoms of low blood pressure and sugar still present. AF is a day late, still no signs of usual spotting.
16 dpo - light cramping, sore breasts, "gut" nausea. Still no spotting. AF is two days late. Took another dollar store hpt test - negative.
17 dpo - nothing but sore breasts. No AF. DTD
18 dpo - light cramping, sore breasts, "gut" nausea, light-headedness and weak spells. Still no spotting. AF is four days late.
19 dpo - twinging pain on left side again, lower back ache, sore breasts. Still no spotting, AF is five days late.
Extra notes
My usual AF symptoms
- spotting a week before AF
- mood swings/irritability a week before AF
- headache, bad cramp, bloating, sore breasts the day before AF
- increased libido maybe 2 - 3 days before AF
Symptoms signaling pre-AF this time:
- sore breasts
- light cramping
- increased libido
Symptoms that are out of the ordinary:
- fatigue/light-headedness, shaking hands
- clear mucous-y discharge
- no spotting
- no irritability/mood swings
- no headache
Non-Pregnancy things that might be affecting these changes:
- skiing wipe out, minor whiplash last weekend
- stress from the above event resulting in delayed AF?
- symptoms look like low blood sugar/pressure, but my diet hasn't changed ... so it's strange
Do you think I ovulated late? Or is this a good sign for pregnancy? I am thinking that I should wait until this Friday when I'm sure AF was missed to test. Do you think I should wait?