Just looking for a little advice/encouragement here...

My LO is 14 months old and moving to the toddler room at daycare where they only do one nap (around 12:30). My guy has always been a crap napper, but had been doing well with one 1.5 hr am nap and one 40 min pm nap. The problem is that whenever we've tried one later (12:30) nap at daycare or home, he only sleeps for 40 min! That's not enough sleep if it's his only nap! Just getting depressed when I see that all the other toddlers are sleeping 2-3 hrs except for my little guy, who they have to rush away to not wake up the others.

Will his nap naturally lengthen like I've read about? Or should I "nap train" him at home and not get him out of his crib until a total 1-1.5 hrs have passed? He puts himself to sleep, but teaching him that didn't seem to ever lengthen his naps.

I just don't understand why he had been doing one longer nap a day pretty regularly on the two nap schedule, but can't on the one nap schedule...