Miss G will be 3 in March, and we've just started toilet training with her, as she was showing signs of being dry and a general interest in the whole thing.

We went cold turkey into underwear (trying a rough version of the 3-day, knowing it may take a little longer) - day 1, accidents, as expected. day 2, one in potty, some accidents. day 3, all in potty! We thought that was awesome, and just continued on as normal.

Except... day 4 came and she regressed. All accidents, all in pants. Same for day 5 and day 6. We managed one yesterday, but the rest of the time, she is just refusing to go... outright refusing. She's still dry for long periods of time (as in, her regular nappy/wee is every few hours) - but I don't want her to be holding, and she swears she's not, she's just dry.

Any ideas on why she would regress this early? We considered just going back to nappies and trying again later, but she's telling us she likes undies - so I'm a bit puzzled about what's going on.

We have a sticker chart incentive, and little treats as well - but even those don't seem to be helping.