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2nd (or more) Babies and Hospital Stay

  1. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    Our hospital policy is a minimum of 24 hours for vaginal and 36 for c-section, but you can stay for a long time - like a number of days, if there's a reason.

    With my first, she was a c-section and we left right at 36 hours because I felt great, bfing was established, I was up and about, etc.

    My second was a VBAC and I had a number of complications so I was in 3 nights. Between a very long labour and the complications I was actually in the hospital for a week total. LO#1 was with my mom and visited every day.

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    My hospital required 24 hour stay after vaginal birth. We stayed an extra night with my son because he wasn't breastfeeding great.

    With my DD, I had her at 2:20 am and I was ready to go home by 8 am lol. just a few hours after I gave birth. so the minimum 24 hour stay meant we had to stay a whole extra night which was so annoying!!!

  3. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @bluestriped bee: my hospital discharges at 11am but they cannot make you leave before 11:59 pm of your second day since insurance pays for 2 nights for vaginal. I took my sweet time leaving and left around 3 pm (less than 48 hours after birth - I gave birth at 5:30 pm) because we had a plumber at the house! They were trying to get me
    Out that morning. No thanks!

    With our next I will probably stay both nights, if anything will go home early but have dD stay the second night at my in-laws anyways. We will see.

  4. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    3 nights with LO1 and 2 with LO2.

  5. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    I had two vaginal deliveries without complications. We stayed two nights with LO1 (born at 5 pm) and one night with LO2 (born around 3 pm). LO1 was with my mil but I sent DH home to help her with bedtime and just stayed at the hospital by myself with baby. It was very calm but I just wanted to get home!

  6. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    The first time I left about 21 hours after the baby was born. The second time Ieft about 23 hours after the baby was born. The second time, I was very anxious to leave and almost didn't stay the night at all. But I'm sure it was for the best that we ended up staying.

    I didn't even know people stayed for 48 hours for uncomplicated vaginal deliveries!

  7. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    I was the there fri night thru discharge mon with DS and thurs-sat with dd. I got sick as soon as I came home from hospital with both kids--fever and chills so I wish I could have stayed another day with both! Had to get on antibiotics.

  8. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    I delivered after a short labor at seven am Sunday morning, and I was chomping at the bit to get out the next day. The nurses were awesome about getting her tests done early so that she could be discharged.

  9. iheartleopardprint

    apricot / 343 posts

    DS I was in hospital for 3 nights, DD a week due to being in NICU.

    I can't imaging leaving after 24 hours, that would have been amazing!

  10. clover

    kiwi / 557 posts

    Two nights (about 54 hours total) after having DS. I was GBS+ and hospital protocol was to hold for 2 days to watch for signs of infection even though I had plenty of doses of antibiotic. I'm expecting (and dreading) the same this time as well.

  11. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Two nights with both kids. Both were c-sections. For my second, I was very sad at being apart from DD, but DH stayed with her on a night and they both came to the hospital during the day. I struggled with recovery this time and needed the hospital support, plus that alone time with baby was nice.

  12. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    SO interesting the varying preferences wanting to stay vs. chomping at the bit to leave! lol!

    I think a lot of you may have had a good solution: If I want/need to stay the 2nd night, DH can go home to be with LO1 himself. Not sure who we'll have to stay with LO1 this time. If my ILs can come to stay, it will be nice and easy to have more time at the hospital with LO2.

    I would like to think that my stay at the hospital will be a little bit of a vacation/most rest I can get! Once home, I'm sure it will be somewhat entertaining/overseeing all the family, cleaning, etc. I remember the first couple days home were exhausting.

  13. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    We stayed 4 nights with DS with a csection and 2 nights with DD with a vbac. DS was with my parents and very comfortable there so we were happy to stay and have DH with me.

    @bluestriped bee: my DS was in the NICU after my csection and our OB let us stay an extra night because DS was still there. If I'm remembering right DS was born Thursday and I was discharged on Monday. If your insurance covers it, maybe you could get an extra night if you wanted it?

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    Both of my LO's were born in the morning (8am and 10:30am) and they were c-sections. Both times, I stayed 2 nights and left around 55 hours after delivery. I could have stayed an extra night, but I felt fine and wanted to get home. However, I kinda wished I would have stayed the third night, especially with LO2. The nurses were just so awesome and I really enjoyed the help.

  15. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    I only have one child. He was born at 1am after a longish but complication-free labor and vaginal delivery. We went into the hospital expecting to leave as soon as possible, but that first day was a whirlwind and the nurses were really helpful with the baby. We stayed for the full two postpartum nights, which really meant three nights in the hospital since we "checked in" to the postpartum room at around 3 or 4am. (If he had been born at 11pm the same night, then we would have been kicked out a day earlier!)

    Assuming my parents, who live pretty close to the hospital where I delivered T, can take our son, then I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't take the full two days to recover and bond with the new baby without trying to chase a toddler. The hospital was really nice, and while the food was terrible my husband went to the sandwich shop for me a couple of times per day. Plus we had brought snacks. And my parents watch my son two afternoons per week plus the occasional weekend overnight. They adore each other. So I don't think it would feel too disruptive to him.

    ETA: My concern about hypothetical labor #2 is how to get my son to my parents' house. Second labors are usually faster, and my parents and the hospital are both about 45 minutes from our apartment. Plus it's another 15 minutes to get the car from the lot. I would not want to wait another hour for my parents to come pick him up, but I cannot fathom a 45-minute car ride while in labor with a toddler in the car!!!

  16. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    I can only speak for #1 for now, but I will say that I was more than ready to head home after one night (E was born in the early afternoon). Because of complications with me with the delivery and concerns about his blood sugar we had to stay the full 48 hours.

  17. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    #1 - Born at 1 am on Thursday morning. Discharged late Saturday night. No issues

    #2 - Born at 7 am Saturday morning, discharged Sunday afternoon (and a lot of that time was waiting for circumcision).

  18. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @ElbieKay: Could you take him with you to the hospital and have your parents meet you there to pick him up? Not ideal obviously but if things are going fast that may be your best options.

  19. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Yes, that would make the most sense but then I can't have the luxury of lying down in the back seat and screaming profanities during my contractions like I did last time.

    But, my water broke before my labor started last time, so maybe it won't be so bad.

    I'm not even pregnant though, so it's a little early to worry about this!

  20. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @ElbieKay: We had LO in the car with us on the way to the hospital, and I rode in the back on my hands and knees, hunched over her car seat (not shouting profanities, but loudly counting through contractions). DH was driving and my mom was riding in the front to take the car back home after dropping us at the hospital.

    Honestly, LO didn't seemed phased at all. Weird now that I think of it. It's a short ride though.

  21. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    #1 was a c/s born at a military hospital and they needed my room - ha - so I left after 24 hours

    #2 was a c/s and I stayed 4 nights - I enjoyed the "downtime" before going home to be a mom to 2!

  22. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @ElbieKay: lol! Yes! This is another worry of mine! At the moment, my ILs live about 1hr away. If I went into labor in the MOTN like with LO1, we have planned that my cousin who isn't working at the moment can come stay with her. Buuuttt, she's interviewing for jobs so IDK what we'll do if she has a new job already. I can't imagine waking LO to take her to the hospital with us, and oh the profanities and pain I was in... nothing a toddler should be around for! lol!

  23. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I went home four hours after DD2 was born! Hospital policy is usually 48 hours for a normal birth (five days for a c-section) but if you have had no complications following a normal birth, you can request to go home after four hours. The Ped came to sign off on DD being released, I was cleared by the senior midwife, and off we went! I LOVED it!

    Also, we were still technically under the care of the hospital midwives so they came to visit us at home everyday for the next three days, and would have continued up to ten days if necessary (or we requested it). DD's heel prick and newborn screenings were all done in our home, which was lovely!

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    For us, the timing of my labor with #2 just worked out really well. I went into labor on a Friday night, so my parents came to our house to stay with Xander. Logan was born in the middle of the night and we were able to leave Sunday afternoon. They would've kept us until Monday, but I kept insisting they let us leave as soon as possible.

  25. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @shopaholic: Been following your thread because I've been curious about this since we don't have family nearby. Nearest family is 1.5 hours away, but they run their own business that starts at 2am so they can't just step away and come to our rescue. At this point, I think we just have to bring DS along with us and hope that he stays asleep in the stroller or something if I go into labor MOTN. If it's during the daytime, we'll take/leave him at daycare then have DH pick him up and bring him to the hospital given I'm not about to push. lol Otherwise, I guess I'll have to talk to his teacher about after daycare care or see if they can drop him off at the hospital for us or something???


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