Our LO just turned two this month. A few weeks ago he started getting out of his crib so we knew it was probably time for a big boy bed which we are in the process of buying (he's in his pack n' play right now since its lower to the ground.) sigh. However, in the past few days his bedtime has gotten increasingly later and later – he simply won’t go down and doesn’t seem tired. He usually still naps 1.5-2 hours a day most days. These days his “bedtime” is around the 8:15 p.m. and often much later (despite our best efforts). We try and stick to the same routine every night as well. Dinner, bath, story and bed, To top it all off, he is now refusing a nap for the past three days. Last night he didn't go to sleep until 10:00pm and I was in his room putting him back to bed at least 16 times. Feel like I am going crazy. Any tips or hints?