T is almost 3.5. He goes to preschool 8-3, three days a week. I work on those days and he plays with our very hands on nanny until about 4:30 on those days. The other two days, he is home with me and baby brother, who is 10 months and very mobile, but not walking. Baby is on 2 naps still and I honor those naps as much as I can. I think T is bored at home on those two days. He plays at home until after his brother's morning nap ends (by 1030) and we go and do something for the next few hours....sometimes it's doctor appts or a play date or grocery store.... and on Fridays we have music class and go out to lunch. Then come home for baby brother's afternoon nap (T, himself, does not nap). If there's enough time after nap, we'll go to the playground or play outside. But by the end of the days he's climbing up the walls, begging for tv, misbehaving, etc.

I'm debating putting him in preschool a 4th day, but that seems like I'm banishing him or something. I'm home and available to him, but on my days "off" I need to get home stuff done like my laundry, tidying, and meal prep. Will he be less bored when the baby is walking? Or should I wait it out until the baby is just on one nap...which should be in like 4 months?

Anyone else go through this?