As most of you know M is a bear to put down to sleep. And naps horrible. She generally won't fall asleep till about 9pm so I've given up trying to get her down before 8pm. Well last night like any other we started our bedtime "routine". 9:30ish try to put her in the crib. She wakes up. We start over. I would say about 10:30 she fell asleep in my arms and I did too. I woke up about 11:40 and put her in the crib. Went out to living room to make my husband go to bed. Fall asleep.

Waaahhhh!!! M is crying because she wants to nurse I thought is it 3 already? She's been waking up at 3am and 5am the past few nights. Looked at the clock and it was 5am!!!!!

She slept for almost 5 1/2 hrs in her crib!!!! Longest yet!! Practically through the night! She'll be 8 weeks tomorrow.

Changed her diaper and nursed then she fell asleep again till about 8am.

Hopefully I did not jinx myself and this is the start of longer sleep! It's been 3 months + since I got that much sleep!!