My sweet 5-week old has always had difficulty getting full and going back to sleep. I breastfeed and recently learned how to keep her awake and breastfeed more efficiently, but she still often takes 1.5 or 2 hours or more to go back to sleep after she wakes up. A lot of the time she seems hungry even after several feeds and even if she doesn't seem hungry she won't sleep. I try to soothe her and rock her, but even if she closes her eyes, as soon as I try to put her down she wakes up. Lately it's more like she's just awake and not making as many hunger signs, but usually she eventually shows that she's hungry and I just have to keep popping her on the boob for a few minutes to try to lull her to sleep. This happens for more than half the feedings and doesn't bother me during the day, but means that I have to be in bed trying to get some sleep or feeding until 3 in the afternoon, and then I only get 4 hours of sleep (if I'm lucky) per 24 hours even if I try going to bed around 9 pm. She sleeps anywhere between 1-3 hours at a time. Any similar experiences/ advice? Thanks!