LO is 8.5 months and the past couple weeks has been waking up at night crying and needing soothing to go back to sleep and also having troubles going down for naps. He is sleep trained and was doing great previous to this and just started sleeping through the night. I believe separation anxiety has kicked in because he'll be fine when I'm there but when I leave the room he'll freak out and then be calm when I come back in. He sometimes needs me just to stand next to him for awhile and then he'll keep peeking to see if I'm still there and eventually give in and go to sleep.
My question is, for those who went through this, or any regression really after sleep training... do you just kind of ride it out and calm them when they need, or do I re-train him, I.e. leave him to cry for awhile. If he's going through something temporary and needs me I want to be there for him. But I also don't want him to get used to this and need me to help him fall asleep all over again. Help!