My 8 week old (second child) is sleeping great at night in a pack and play in our room. She wakes up once or twice to nurse then goes right back to sleep on her own.. I dont need to rock her or anything. But napping is a different story - she will only nap when I'm holding her or in the swing and it has to be on. My first baby was pretty much taking all of her naps in the crib at this age but now with the second baby, I just dont have time to get her to nap in her crib! I did try a couple times to put her in her crib but she just wakes up after 20 min and i have to pick her up again. Its so easy to just let her nap for an hour or two in the swing so I can get some work done around the house. I would have never used the swing so long with baby#1!! Anyone think its ok to have a baby nap in a swing for 2-3 hours?? I feel guilty at times for letting her nap in the moving swing for so long.. I know she is still so young but i feel like im setting myself up for disaster!