For the past two weeks my daughter has seemed to be in a mini-sleep regression. She is just 9 months, and this might be coinciding with a Wonder Week (37 week leap, as she was 2 weeks early), but I'm not sure. She has almost always been an amazing sleeper (with the exception of an awful 4 month sleep regression which we finally solved by sleep training using the Ferber Method at 5 1/2 months), but began fighting us at bedtime, then waking several times per night, and now moaning/talking all. night. long. Ferber doesn't really seem to apply here--She isn't awake--unless the moaning continues for a long time and then she will wake herself up, but the constant "screaming mimis" are keeping me awake and sounding like nails on a blackboard. I'm exhausted, frustrated, and feeling super guilty for feeling like this. Not sure whether we just have to wait this out or if there is anything we can do at this point to help her (and us) sleep more soundly. She seems exhausted during the day and isn't lasting as long between wakeups/naps as she had been at 7-8 months.

Suggestions? Sympathy? I'll take just about anything at this point!