Everything is stressful and scary and overwhelming. Let's start a thread of happy things, or things that you're grateful for, or some bright spots in your life right now. I'll post in the comments
Everything is stressful and scary and overwhelming. Let's start a thread of happy things, or things that you're grateful for, or some bright spots in your life right now. I'll post in the comments
persimmon / 1381 posts
1. The Office Ladies podcast. I love The Office, I've watched it from start to finish multiple times and often have it on in the background. I love that Pam and Angela are BFFs in real life and this podcast is so lighthearted and really gets my mind off of all of the crap in the world right now.
2. DH and I bought a couch today and on our way home we snuck into a wine bar for a quick afternoon mini date, since it's probably our last time out in public for awhile.
3. Our 8 month old has slept through the night 5 our of the last 6 nights. Longest stretch of sleeping through the night ever. *knocks on wood* I hope this continues!
persimmon / 1479 posts
@LadyDi: Good idea on this!
Me: I bought a new book tonight. It's hardcover and I'm usually too cheap to splurge on those, but then I thought oh what the hell
persimmon / 1381 posts
@winter_wonder: Fun! A small bookstore in our town is offering to drop off books at people's homes within a 3 mile radius, so I think I'm going to order a couple this week for my kids. And maybe for myself too.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
We got to spend the weekend last week with my mom & dad. Sam got to fish with my dad and my mom got to cuddle and spoil Hazel.
kiwi / 583 posts
We are at my parents house this weekend to celebrate my daughter's first birthday a couple weeks early. (She is also named Hazel!) It's not the big party I had planned, but I'm still excited to be able to celebrate with my family!
coffee bean / 46 posts
My niece asked me to be her Confirmation sponsor. She's a really cool kid but really hard to read sometimes, so I was surprised and touched that she picked me!
@LadyDi: great idea! I, for one, needed this positive redirection
pomelo / 5084 posts
@LadyDi: Grateful that both DW and I have flexible jobs in case schools close here (2 weeks of spring break start Monday and then we’ll see ...). We have wine, food to cook, a stack of books,Hulu, and some unopened LEGO sets stashed away for DS. We’re in such a good spot (comparatively) to handle all this. ️
clementine / 787 posts
@LadyDi: This is a wonderful thread idea!
I’m grateful that DH and I got a got a puppy at thanksgiving because she’s growing into a sweet dog and for us is like having a therapist in the house all the time.
I’m really just thankful that for now DH and I aren’t sick and have enough of what we need no matter what happens in the next few months. And grateful that my older family members remain healthy.
apricot / 400 posts
I’ve been bemoaning the fact I dint have enough time to play with my kids. Welp, the universe is making sure I get plenty of play time over the next few weeks since school is now closed until
April. I know it’s going to be hard to juggle two FT working parents, one of whom is doing it remotely because if Covid, and watching the kids, but I’m determined to make this a positive and special/memorable time for us.
kiwi / 635 posts
I’m thankful for the forced time at home to spend with my family. I already sah full time with my three kids and I homeschool my oldest, so in a sense my life is not too different. But we have a weekly schedule of events and I find that I always have a million things I want to do with them at home that I never get a chance to do.
Now that we are stuck home more I’m so excited to:
Enjoy nature more
Play lots of board games!
Do school leisurely (we are often in a rush to get to our play date/activity)
Read read read (which we do a lot already but still!! More reading yay!)
Sensory play: water beads, play dough, cloud dough
Cool science experiments I’ve been wanting to do
I have unopened boxes of coding games, board games, aquabeads, crafts... soo many activities we never get around to
Basically I’m excited to spend quality time with the kids doing fun things at home..
kiwi / 635 posts
Oh yea and I love watching movies but it seems like we never have enough time.. I’m excited to watch more movies with my hubby and also show some classics to the kids
cherry / 150 posts
@mrs.kiwi: same! I had a first day of spring zoo trip planned but instead we are just going to play games ALL day. They'll be psyched.
Since we don't have that much to do on the weekends/evenings anymore we are finally getting moving on some house projects we were supposed to finish weeks ago.
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: @Lahela017: So cute!
I’m grateful that DD is here and healthy. It was a long road to parenthood for us, and I wasn’t sure we would get to take her home until we did. But she’s happy, strong, and hitting all her milestones!
I’m hopeful about a job opportunity I’m sending a resume for this weekend. I’m not really looking right now, but this is an amazing opportunity to do exactly the work I want to, so 🤞
I’m so happy that all the snow has melted and the birds are singing again. Winter drags on here, but we’re finally getting some warmth and sunshine and my first spring bulbs are starting to pop up out of the ground.
And just to reiterate, I’m glad I get to wake up to this smile every day...
persimmon / 1196 posts
I was just picking up dog crap in the backyard ( ) and I noticed that my forsythia is budding. It is my favorite flower, and my favorite sign of spring!
nectarine / 2018 posts
DD drew this picture for me this morning. When she gave it to me she said she just loved her whole family so much (even our cat) that she wanted to make a family picture. It made my day!
I especially love that she never puts hair on DH’s head haha
pear / 1930 posts
I am so happy DS2 is typically developing. DS1 definitely was not. I wouldn'y trade anything DS1 went through, but it is so nice just to be able to enjoy DS2 being a baby like we did with DD.
clementine / 830 posts
Thank you so much for this thread!!
I am grateful for my kids most of all, they are exhausting to care for but so so precious, hilarious, smart, and loving, and I am very lucky to be their mom. My DH has been going nuts making sure we have enough food and supplies in the house, and I appreciate him for that. I’m so grateful our families are healthy.
Um, also beer. I have cut way back due to the many facets of adulting, but sitting here enjoying one of ~2 weekly beers and my anxiety is way lower than it’s been all week.
persimmon / 1381 posts
@karenbme: She is such a cutie! Fingers crossed for the new job opportunity! @catgirl: That pictures is so sweet!
persimmon / 1381 posts
I thought of something else today. Even though DH will probably find WFH a bit challenging at times, I am really excited that he'll actually be here on time to eat dinner with us! And hopefully breakfast and some lunches too.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@LadyDi: Can I add another one? DS has been so gracious and resilient for a four year old. Not only has he had a trip to see his grandparents for spring break canceled and a Disney cruise we planned 9 months ago canceled, he can’t go to any kid play place for the foreseeable future. Instead we’ve tried to hype up a new board game, movie night at home, baking brownies, etc. And bless his heart he’s been equally as pumped.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
I’m grateful for my ability to be a homebody! DH is already going stir crazy and he’s only been home for two days 🙄
I’m grateful for our big backyard My boys have a place to run around in and I can get some work done at the same time.
While I wish I didn’t have to work and could just be present with my kids during this time, I’m grateful for having a job that allows me to work from home and supports its staff any way that it can. My director even offered to get me an extra monitor... but I have a tiny house and nowhere to put it!
persimmon / 1381 posts
@wrkbrk: that is so sweet. I love four year olds. My son is four and he’s so resilient and enthusiastic. I told him he wasn’t going to preschool for awhile and instead we’ll do “mommy preschool” at home and he LOVES IT.
pear / 1521 posts
@KT326: same! We are such homebodies so so far so good. And thankfully we saw almost all our close family members right before the shit hit the fan. Of course this is going to be hard but I’m looking on the bright side. Also grateful that we have a yard my kids can play in and that the weather so far has been decent.
Also, my school just emailed to say we would be paid during our currently 3 weeks out so that’s good news!
pomelo / 5573 posts
I’m grateful for our new house - we moved in September and this house has more space and an enormous backyard. I’m grateful that I have a stable job that lets me work from home and, if necessary, spend the bulk of my day doing childcare until this passes. And I’m grateful for these little faces - on the one hand self-isolation pre-kids would have basically been my dream, unlimited reading and tv time, but on the other hand, they’re just the sweetest.
I’m also really grateful that we got our family vacation in just under the wire.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
Tonight at bedtime, DD2 (15 months) started impersonating a frog, bouncing around and making frog noises. I did not know she can do that. No idea where she learned it
nectarine / 2641 posts
I started some light "homeschool" today with my boys. It went surprisingly well and I really enjoyed my time with them. I feel like we are always running around and this really gave me the time to just be with them. I'm not sure how long that feeling will last, but trying to hold onto it (There's very little I can do for work right now. I'm not sure what will happen both with the work I can do and also with my salary, because if we can only afford to pay me or my employees, I want to pay my employees. But I am not the main wage earner in my family, and my husband already works from home, so trying not to let that be a stressor. I also work a side job from home and could up my hours there if necessary.)
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: Thank you
@LadyDi: Right? Everything I’ve suggested to DS so far (want to open these prime boxes with me??) is met with an excited “yeah!!”
cherry / 150 posts
I ordered fancy chocolate for my two closest friends who have birthdays at the end of this week knowing that I wouldn't be able to see them in person. I ordered on Sunday having no idea if it would even make it in time. No shipping updates until today, two days out from birthday when I see it should get delivered on time!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
I'm grateful we live in the country and have plenty of space to roam. I'm grateful since we process our own meat, that we have two freezers full and don't have to scramble for it in a grocery store.
Happy things - DD (3) has a speech packet to work from and she doesn't like to repeat words back to me at all, but DS (5) will sit with her and she'll repeat everything he says/points to. It's adorable.
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