LO1 will be 3 in July and LO2 is 9 months. LO1 has been in her high chair all this time and I really prefer for her to eat meals in some kind of contained chair with straps. All of my friends' kids have been eating in regular chairs at the table for over a year and they all fight battles with kids not eating, getting down and running around, etc and I have no desire to add that stress to my life and LO1 has been happy so far in her high chair.

Except now LO2 is eating 3 meals a day and it makes sense to feed them simultaneously. I have been using a bumbo chair strapped to a dining chair for LO2, but her legs are quickly getting too fat and now the strap is broken.

Further issues are that we have a small dining table with only 4 chairs.

So...should I:

1)get a second high chair? This will add more baby gear/junk/clutter to our home, but then we will have chairs free for guests to eat with us.

2)get another space saving booster to strap to a chair? This will reduce baby gear clutter but then if DH and I are sitting, and 1 kid is in a booster in a chair, we only have 1 other dining chair for a guest

3) something else?

Visitors are a real concern as our parents visit a lot (my mom is currently here for 2 weeks, my inlaws were just here 2 weeks ago for a week. We have a friend couple that comes over as frequently as once a week to eat with us.

I've looked at some folding high chairs, but honestly...I don't know if folding will help as we have almost 0 closet space and no closets in our main living/dining area anyway. SO I could fold it but then put it where...in the corner?

Attached is a picture of our tiny table, haha.