To the baby gear I just couldn't live without:

Aden & Anais blankets--- you are Evelyn's magic off switch, and I love you so very dearly. Even though I got jacked on shipping and brokeage and ended up paying $25 per (!) blanket, you were worth every penny and so much more. I never leave home without one of you, and even when I'm super exhausted and it's pitch black at night, I can successfully swaddle her to sleep in minutes.

Fisher Price Swing--- you make my little girl so very happy, and when she just wants to be moving, you give my tired arms a much needed break.

Ergo carried--- sometimes babies just want to be held, sometimes mommies just need to wash the dishes or sweep the floors or eat a meal. You even have a handy hood so that I stopped slopping tomato sandwich bits on my baby's head-- Now that's smart design work!

Do you have any must have super love gear that you couldn't live without?