Hi, all. Warning: This is long...

Please let me start out by warning you all that I feel like an ungrateful idiot 1st time Mom as I write this post. I'd be happy to hear some perspective and perhaps a kick in the pants, if necessary. Here's the story:

I am pretty low-key when it comes to baby gear. I've already accepted lots of cute used clothing and other used items gladly. If anything, I've had a hard time making up a registry because we hope to acquire things slowly as we live in a small apartment. I'm also hoping to get quite a few things used after the baby is born.

With that said, I have only been super excited about three baby gear items we would get new: the crib, the stroller and the baby carrier(s) [NOTE: We are not putting a crib or stroller on our registry]. I guess everyone has their things, and those are my "things" Couple friends of ours (DH is very good friends with the DH) have offered us their 3 year-old Bugaboo stroller and any accessories they have. It's in okay condition, and still seems to work fine. Since we live in NYC and we walk a lot, a stroller is a pretty important item for us.

The problem? I kind of really wanted to pick out my own stroller because it's one of the few things I was really excited to pick out. I know that there is the money aspect. Bugaboos aren't cheap, and it's an extremely generous offer (which frankly makes me a bit uncomfortable). To be fairly honest, the money isn't necessarily an issue for us. If we wanted to buy a new stroller, Bugaboo or not, we could.

I feel like we will look like ungrateful idiots not accepting the stroller. Why not accept something like this and save money, right? Yet much of me doesn't want to accept it. It was one of the few things I was excited to go shop for. I feel like I am in a weird position because these people are friends and because it's a free, expensive item. If we don't accept, it will just look bad. They have been pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, so it's really been DH and me wringing our hands about this.

I know most of you would probably accept the stroller. Am I being a brat? Do we need to just accept the stroller, and I just need to get over myself and call it a day? What would you do?

Thanks for reading all of this.