Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas for 1) fun activities and/or 2) outings for a 12-month-old who is not quite walking yet. Playgrounds aren't terribly fun for a crawler (and it's going to be 100 degrees this week, so there's that, too)! There's always the pool ... but even that is somewhat dicey in this heat. And he really needs to walk for the splash pads.

At home, we're either reading books or just playing on the floor in the living room. To get out, we go to the mall a lot (nice play area) and sometimes the downtown library where there's also room to play. I'm wondering if he would be OK at one of the local bounce houses or if he would be trampled by other kids all the time. We did discover the zoo has a great indoor play area, so we just bought a membership.

Any other ideas?