I have been faithful to the same office that delivered my LO, which is a practice attached to our local hospital with several doctors. The doctors are wonderful, but the staff is terrible - they fail to update charts, fail to schedule appointments appropriately and payments/insurance are usually a mess.
I had my 2nd miscarriage recently. The first was last December at 9 weeks, and this last one at 7 weeks. The office policy is to not do blood work testing until after 3 losses. However, this last miscarriage was such a shit show with the office that they have offered to do the blood work after only 2 losses. **I added to the bottom of the post a brief overview about my experience if you care to read about it**
I really want to leave the office. To further complicate matters, my insurance company and these providers are not renewing their contract, so after this month, I would have to pay out of pocket for any services.
To get to the point, would you pay out of pocket to have the bloodwork done with this practice since they are offering it and then leave, or chance switching to a new practice that might not do the bloodwork till after another loss? I'm torn because I want to rule out any underlying cause before having to go through another loss.
** The staff somehow failed to put in my file that I was having a miscarriage after 2 visits with ultrasounds and bloodwork, and on my 3rd visit to have a follow up ultrasound to see if the baby had developed any further, they had me as a first prenatal visit - I got the whole baby packet, notice that I was having a baby sent to my insurance company, and an attempt to have the nurse walk me through my delivery options on the day I learned I was not having a baby. I lost my cool and there was a lot of tears, and the doctor came running to apologize and sorted it out. Apparently they had ZERO information in my file that I was having a miscarriage. And I've had to call my insurance company and ask them to quit sending me information on pregnancy and my health benefits. If I wasn't so tired about it all I would laugh. Or cry.