We've had two MC in the past 9 months and have been TTCing for LO#2 again for the past two cycles, no luck. During our TTC after loss, I've been forcing myself to become more and more detached - I'm just so scared to miscarry again and the heartbreak that could bring. My current logic is that if it turns out I am pg now, but don't test, if I do lose it in a few weeks then I'll just consider it a really late period and maybe I won't feel so bad. I realize how ridiculous this sounds.

My period was due last week and still hasn't come (since age 16 AF has been like clockwork, even post MC) and the only compelling reason I have to test is so that if I am pg, I can be put on progesterone or baby aspirin or whatever measures could possibly help us carry a second baby to term.

Anyone else been afraid to test?