My son will be 2 in a month. He has been having some normal toddler tantrums over the last 6 months for various toddlerish things, especially when he's tired or hungry. Ok, no problem, doesn't faze me.
However, in the last 1-2 weeks, especially in the last 4-5 days, he has been having these *horrible* meltdowns over what seems like nothing and he is way more upset. Today he got home after daycare, normally I hug him, then we play outside. He said "NO" when I went to hug him, I asked if he wanted to go outside and he said "NO" and then just started screaming and melting down. It lasts forever - like 20-25 minutes which feels like an eternity. He is inconsolable and won't let us touch him, if we even get near him he goes ballistic (even more). Also it's this weird high pitch scream, it almost sounds like he's in pain or something. It seems way worse than the normal tantrums. It is very distressing for me and my husband because we feel so powerless and it scares us when he's like that. It has been happening more frequently over the last few days. And sometimes I can't even figure out what sets it off. (Like for example a "normal" tantrum might be when we have to come inside after playing outside and doesn't last nearly as long)
I'm thinking about taking him to the doctor to rule out an ear infection or something like that, although he doesn't have a fever or any other symptoms and is eating and sleeping fine. My other thought was maybe 2 year molars coming in?
I am hoping the answer is not "this is normal toddler tantrums and get used to it" because it's horrible. He is a pretty high needs/sensitive kid who doesn't cope well with being overtired, hungry etc and definitely is prone to meltdowns, but never anything like this. I don't know.