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An induction and no epidural?

  1. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    So for my first birth I went into labor on my own (on my due date), dilated 2.5 cm when they checked me, pitocin and epi from the minute I got to the hospital (with pretty strong contractions 5 mins apart at that point). 24 hours, 3 failed epis later I finally dilated to 10 cm, pushed for 3 hours and he NEVER crowned, almost ended up in a c-section (I had a fever, baby's head was angled awkwardly) but after 3 hrs of pushing they used the vacuum extractor and got him out in 3 pushes (his head was 99th percentile, I just needed help getting him past my hips!). I had a horrible epi experience and was convinced that if I could go as long as I could before getting pitocin and an epi next time (maybe even go natural) then my labor would be shorter and quicker.

    Second birth I was induced at 39 weeks (I had gestational diabetes and baby was measuring pretty big), I was 2.5 cm dilated for weeks so no reason to ripen the cervix. I got pitocin first thing in the morning, they broke my water a few hours later, and I was able to handle contractions until 6cm. I think at that point my pit was turned up to 12. I was panicking and thought I was going to pass out from the pain or just spontaneously die. They got the epi in quickly (turned into a spinal actually) and an hour later I was fully dilated! Pushed 9 times total for 15 mins and baby girl slipped right out. I didn't feel a thing.

    I think if the pit was decreased somewhat I might have been able to go longer... but that would have probably stalled or lengthened my labor... I decided I'd go with the epi at whatever point I couldn't handle the pain anymore so that's what we did.


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