I wonder how many sleep posts I've posted on here through the years....
Anyways. My 22 month old doesn't sleep well. We have same bedtime routine, around the same time every night. But it takes FOREVER and involves nursing and bottles multiple times. Sometimes she starts her wake-ups around 10:30, I usually go in and nurse her. It's kind of a crap shoot if she will fall back asleep. Sometimes my husband ends up going in there with a bottle (she will ask for bottle milk). Usually we both end up sleeping in the recliner with her in her room for some time. Then lately she's ended up in our bed (nursing) which would be fine if she would sleep, but she's kicking me and singing Old McDonald and asking for a bottle. She shares a room with her sister, so I don't want to CIO necessarily. It's so hard when they can communicate and ask for you by name.
She had her first sleepover at her grandparents house this past weekend and slept through the night (woke once at 1:30, cried out and went back to sleep). My dad said the trick is to keep her up until 8 and feed her sherbet before bed (um, nope). I can't keep her up until 8 (nor do I want to as I go to bed at 9/9:30 and need some space).
She naps fine at daycare and puts herself to sleep on a cot. But they nap until 3 which I think is too late. I've asked her teacher to wake her up a little early but I don't think that's something she can really do every day.
Do you think it's time to move to a big girl bed? Let her CIO at bedtime? HALP. I haven't slept in 5 years.