I'm 41+6 today with a baby who is just way too comfy. I've had two NSTs and a BPP and the baby is completely healthy and happy and, evidently, not interested in budging.

I've also had two mini-stretch and sweeps (mini because I wasn't dilated enough for them to be done fully) and done every other "natural" induction method other than castor oil. As of my midwife's home visit yesterday afternoon, I was only 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced.

So, we've elected for an induction, as we aren't comfortable with the risks that come with going past 42 weeks.

At the moment, the tentative plan (waiting for hospital's confirmation) is to have a Foley catheter placed tonight. I'll then be sent home and will go back in the morning to start induction (could be as minimal as rupture of membranes, but will proceed to pitocin if labour doesn't start after that).

As far as induction goes, it seems like the best option for us, as our hope was to have a med-free, intervention-free birth, and at least a Foley will maybe give us the chance to labour without pitocin........

Just wondering if anyone else has had a Foley induction and what your experience was?

Sorry for the long post..I'm struggling emotionally with the change of course.