I'd love to hear experiences from mamas that feed exclusively on one breast.

My LO has decided about two weeks ago that she will only take my right breast (not my left, no bottle, no paci). The left nipple is inverted so she's never liked feeding on that side. It's painful for me if she feeds on it multiple times per day so I've always had trouble encouraging her to feed on it consistently. I've been pumping the left three times a day and get about 3/4 of an ounce in a 24 hour period. Not much.

LO is 3 months and I will be going back to work in one month. I'd like to BF for a year if possible. I'm trying to decide if I should let that breast dry, keep pumping 3x a day, or try to increase with power pumping/herbal methods.

When I go back to work I'll definitely be pumping the right breast - is two just as easy as one? Will I be really happy to have that tiny extra amount?

I've already had one clogged duct in the low producer. If I get another I think I'll throw in the towel. Bad idea?

Feel free to share any other one sided stories, tips, or questions!