Hellobee Boards


Any tips to more easily get out of the house in the morning with a toddler?

  1. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    We fixed an enormous TV to our bedroom wall for this very reason! We fixed a baby gate to the top of the stairs and baby proofed the entire upstairs. E then had free reign when I was in the shower, could easily reach all her toys and wander in and our of our room to watch TV. My shower lasts approx 5 mins and, in that time, she would trash the house. Honestly, it would look like we had been burgled by the time I stepped out of the shower! Then it was a full on fight to get her ready!

    What I will say is, it's has gotten so much easier as E has grown up. She's 3.5 now and she happily watches her tablet with earphones on (bliss) while I get ready and she's easily bribed into compliance when getting ready. Adding a baby to the mix hasn't been too difficult, we put a jumperoo in our room to keep the baby contained in the mornings. The baby is getting more mobile now and I feel that the phase of nightmare mornings is almost upon us, but I now know it's just a stage.

  2. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    Things go easiest for me when I bring my LO, almost two, into the shower with me. If we do screen time it tends to lead to a tantrum when we need to turn it off.


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