There have been a lot of really informative breastfeeding posts lately making me think about what I want to do when LO gets here in November. I know that I would like to try breastfeeding but I'm not horribly opposed to formula if it doesn't work out. Of course I could feel differently after baby is here.

I feel like my biggest hurdle to wanting to commit to EBF is pumping. I have a job where it can be very difficult to find time to pump. I am lucky to have a mother's room pretty close to my desk, but I'm worried my schedule won't work with needing regular pumping times. There are some days when I'm packed with meetings, and some days when I need to be flexible and schedule meetings with customers, and I won't always have the luxury of planning my day around pumping.

The other issue is that due to several factors I think I will only be able to take an 8 week leave. So I'm not sure how invested I should be in breastfeeding and establishing supply if when the baby's 2 months old it all fall apart anyways because I can't pump regularly at work.

Has anyone else run into this kind of issue?