I won't get too into it, but LO is almost 12 weeks and I'm thinking about sleep training. With my first I waited until 6 months, but I can't imagine waiting that long right now. She soothes with a pacifier but it falls out constantly (put it back in 2-5 times per nap). She's still sleeping in the bouncer at night (naps in the crib) because there's no way I can get up that many times to replace the pacifier. Plus she doesn't fall asleep nursing at night so I end up bouncing her back to sleep. She's just started sucking on her fists when she's awake so I'm contemplating moving her from a swaddle to a sleepsack and seeing if she can use her hands to self soothe and fall asleep. We also have a crib aquarium and she really likes looking at it so I think that'd help too.

Am I crazy for doing this so early? She is so sweet and smiley that I know it's going to break my heart to hear her cry. But I'm beyond exhausted, she's not sleeping great with waking so frequently, and her head is getting flat from the bouncer (yikes!) so I want to get her in the crib.

What do you all think? Anybody else sleep train early?