How often have your LOs been sick? Share your survival tips...
How often have your LOs been sick? Share your survival tips...
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I knew kids got sick a lot first year of daycare, but didn't realize it would be quite this bad... two weeks ago, we all had the flu. LO was out of daycare for a week and had a fever for six days. DH has still not recovered fully so I've been doing a lot of the parenting. Then today, DH got violently ill with a stomach bug and 102 degree fever, and despite the mad sanitizing I'm just waiting for it to hit the rest of us because that stuff is crazy contagious. Earlier in the winter, LO has had: croup, HFM, RSV (out for a week), two mild stomach bugs, an anaphylactic reaction, and was sent home once with a random fever from one of his nonstop colds.
I obviously feel bad for LO, but know it's just part of developing the immune system. I'm pretty stressed about work at this point. DH's job is not very secure so I've pretty much handled all the days off, and I desperately need to finish stuff that I keep on getting more behind on! LO is not a big sleeper, so it's hard to make up work once he's in bed. Ugh, it's seriously making me reconsider having another kid, I don't think I could handle this x2 and perform my job. How do people do it?
pear / 1521 posts
Yes, it has been a particularly bad winter. We haven’t had a single day all January where no one has been sick. But mainly just colds (but my kids have had fevers w some) plus stomach bug went through. Not sure I’d its just a bad winter or just par for the course for the first year Of Daycare for my DD2. Bit of both I think, I’m a teacher and it seems my students have also been out sick a lot and for long periods of time.
It does get better though, it was also a tough first winter with my DD1 but year 2 not bad and 3 she really wasn’t sick much at all (and this year she has only been sick enough to miss school once). It’s more the baby me and DH being sick.
I don’t think there’s really much you can do besides the normal hand washing and then trying to make sure everyone gets as much sleep as possible. And spring will be here soon I hope!
pear / 1622 posts
This has been a rough fall and winter for us: I thought the first year was hard with illnesses (upper respiratory, pneumonia; colds, ear infections) but my boys are 4 and 2.5 now and have had croup, a strep like virus, and now a flu like virus. We use elderberry syrup and try to keep hands and the house clean but clearly are still getting sick.
I have to take time off from work since DH is in school and I definitely feel like I am underperforming because of all the time I have to take off but luckily my coworkers with kids get it.
persimmon / 1111 posts
To give some context, I was at my job for 5 years before having LO1 and only took 4 hours of sick time. Between two maternity leaves I'm on negative sick leave. I'm doing everything I can to get back in the black, but LO2 got RSV over Thanksgiving, a bad virus over Christmas, followed by an ear infection, an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, then another ear infection. LO1 has had 3 colds and a GI bug. Like every day for months someone has been sick. And I'm 90,% positive I have strep, but I don't want to go further into sick leave debt to get it checked out. I have missed so much work it isn't funny.
coconut / 8483 posts
I’ve got three kids and dh can’t really take sick days. Therefore.. I do not work. It just wouldn’t work. I’d be fired quickly. My kids tend to get fevers with colds so are out of school for a while.
kiwi / 549 posts
Yes seems like LO has had a cold at least once a month since she was a few months old (she’s 11 mos now). They are just colds and she’s usually still pretty happy and sleeps decently but it’s not fun and I feel bad for her. But not much to be done I don’t think! Either I or DH or both usually catches her cold too which blows. We have a nanny so luckily don’t have to take time off when she just has a cold. She did have a very short lived stomach thing where we both worked from home and tag teamed. I think I just have to get used to constant colds!
ETA: We have been using Tylenol before bed for this most recent cold and it really seemed to help her. Even with no fever, I feel like it was hurting her to cough and the Tylenol calmed her down. That’s my only tip!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
I’m so sorry. That is a ton of illness. I do think it’s different with every kid and their immune system. My first got sick of course but not constantly and she did go to daycare ... my second was sick constantly starting his first fall into winter and I was staying home then. He’s gotten better as he’s gotten older, at least in terms of getting really bad stuff. I hope your sick season is over soon and next year is better!!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
We’ve just had a bunch of normal illnesses- some bad colds, a bad cough- my 3 year old coughs so hard that she throws up, which is lovely, but still better than a stomach virus. So it’s been pretty bad but not awful. I got my first call from preschool to come pick up my 3 year old and felt terrible that I even brought her because she had started coughing really bad just that morning. I just hope i didn’t get her classmates sick. But I stay at home so while it disrupts my plans, it’s easy to rearrange things than I imagine it is to be out of work so much. WIth this past cold I was really aggressive with emergency-C and elderberry syrup for myself and big sister and I think it helps some.
@periwinklebee: use bleach and water on all surfaces especially in the bathroom. Clorox wipes won’t kill certain stomach bugs. Fingers crossed.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Foodnerd81: I got some wipes from another recent thread that claim to kill norovirus and other stomach bugs, I hope I didn't screw up and this is actually true as they are what I've been using all day. Ugh... My LO is also a puker, ugh, but as you say, random puking beats stomach virus puking (sorry, this thread is making being upbeat hard!) Maybe I need to start doing elderberry syrup. I hadn't even heard of it...
@Pollywog: ugh, this absolutely sucks. I really hope it's not strep and you feel better. Most of my colleagues are childless or have stay at home partners, and totally get the sinking feeling of not being able to get any further behind
@petitenoisette: @autumnleaves: ugh, i hope the worst of it is out of the way for you...
@Mrs. Champagne: yeah, if I had 3 LOs like my current one, I would just never be able to go into the office, so that would be the end of working...short of finding a nanny, which as @JJ2626: says I think is the only real solution to make something like that work unless your kids just have stellar immune systems.
@bhbee: Thank you! It's funny how much these things can vary (which means not even colleagues with kids always get it...) I also feel like maybe my kid is just particular prone to wanting to put everything in his mouth... I'm glad you middle has been healthier after the first year...
nectarine / 2243 posts
This (along with other reasons) is why I stopped working. I was full time, then part time, then per diem. My husband can’t take sick days (tbh he’s traveling most of the time anyway) so it 100% falls on me, and my patients don’t get seen if I don’t show up so that’s just not fair to anyone.
We’ve had rsv and other assorted nastiness. I’m currently coming down with the flavor of the month that both kids already had.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@periwinklebee: yes you probably got the right ones! I do think elderberry syrup helps. I have the actual syrup, as well as some “pastilles”- some kind of lozenge that also has zinc and vitamin c, and these dissolvable tablets that you are supposed to take at the first sign of a cold that have some other good stuff in them. I didn’t take them that much the last time we had a bad cold and I felt so sick. This time I did all of it and I’ve only had a mild cold. I don’t think it will so much against a stomach bug but I think it helps with the rest.
persimmon / 1259 posts
We seem to pass a neverending cold back and forth to each other in our house. At one point, RSV and strep swept through the daycare as well, so my daughter battled RSV. Of course, any time my daughter has a cold, her asthma flares, so we've done a lot of nebulizer treatments since Christmas. My most recent cold seems to have developed into a sinus infection so I currently can't breathe through my nose, and I have a sore throat now too...and am losing my voice.
Fortunately, some sick days have overlapped with snow days so I haven't had to miss too many work days since I'm a teacher. The unfortunate thing is that I tend to work when I am the sick one because I am 37 weeks along and trying to save my remaining sick time for maternity leave! Oh, and being pregnant totally limits my personal treatment and prevention options.... ready for this cold/flu season to end!
nectarine / 2180 posts
E keeps getting double ear infections with an accompanying other infection, in December it was a respiratory thing and we had to use a nebulizer and in January it was pink eye with eye drops. My job is more flexible than my husband's so I tend to take the time off, E also prefers mommy when she is sick. We use a humidifier which helps some but otherwise I am just waiting for this to end. She is exactly 1 year into her daycare life do hopefully that helps and next week we have her 15 month appt and I will talk to the doctor about the double ear infections.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Yes yes and yes. it's been terrible!! DD had a week long tummy bug and she wasn't herself for 7-10 days, I had pneumonia and was icky for like 3 weeks!! and ds has had the perpetual runny nose/cough gunk forever. I just want nice sunny days and no more sickies!!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Ajsmommy: oh sheesh, a 7-10 day stomach bug sounds AWFUL. And especially if you were sick with pneumonia too. I long for the days when I was sick and could just lay there, now it always involves simultaneously taking care of a kid who's usually not feeling great either, ugh...
@snarkybiochemist: Yes to the mommy preference when sick. And since LO usually indeed gets mommy when sick, I'm sure it just reinforces.I hope the ped has a solution! DS has had some issues with asthma but knock on wood the ear infections are the one common thing we seem to have avoided so far...
@Miss Sarah: ugh, enduring this while pregnant sounds awful...
@Littlebit7: That's tough, and totally makes sense. I have about 15% of my work time that I really can't miss because it affects a lot of others, the rest is stuff I can postpone or just work to be done that piles up. Fortunately DH has been able to briefly cover when I can't miss, but those commitments are gearing up for the next few months and DH is on an international work trip for two weeks, so we'll see if we survive...
Stomach bug has not struck yet. But I heard at daycare drop off that two kids in LOs class have siblings with it, so it seems like one way or another it is a matter of time...
nectarine / 2436 posts
@periwinklebee: my 12 day old got sick. It was terrifying. I EBF and no one in my family or visitors were sick but... he got a rattly mucus thing that spread to his chest. No fever tho. I had been venturing out (fighting PPD and it's going well) too much and I'm sure I got him sick 🙄 it really was one of the scariest 2 days if my life.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@pachamama: I'm so sorry...
and I'm down.... at least I managed to be productive before it fully hit so far LO is doing okay, but I won't count on it to last....
kiwi / 549 posts
@periwinklebee: oh no! I’m so sorry! I was hoping for your sake it was food poisoning or something. LO might be okay, fingers crossed!
persimmon / 1310 posts
@periwinklebee: I'm sorry you got it!
Last year was hell for us. It was my preschooler's first year of care outside the home, and she kept infecting me and the baby! We got 30+ viruses in a year. Everyone said the second year would be way better, but so far it's barely an improvement! Our longest healthy stretch since school started was 12 days. We've ALL been on antibiotics multiple times for ears/sinuses/etc. The baby has had two drug reactions that made her miserable! And we got Norovirus this year, which we avoided getting last year. It's been a week, and my toddler still has very loose stools once a day, so she is still home from daycare for I don't know how long! The doctor said her gut could take weeks to recover, and I should keep her home until changing her won't be a mess. How in the world do people deal with this???
persimmon / 1050 posts
DS has been sick with different things for the past 2 weeks, and DH & I have caught his last cold. Seems like an awful lot for a kid that's not in daycare.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@Ajsmommy: Ugh my two older kids had those stomach bugs last year. Yuck. They got it two weeks apart and it lasted about a week and ahalf or so per kid. Thankfully our then newborn didn't get it and neither did we. Fingers crossed your family is well again soon!!
I would say so far that this winter has been less intense than last, but there is a ton of time left for us all to be miserable. We're all just getting past a kind of bad cold, actually it seems like two in a row, so it would be nice to get a little break, but I'm not counting on it!
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@periwinklebee: But to be honest... I feel like that's kind of a lot of illness in a row for one kid, hope you have a better second half of yucky season.
persimmon / 1064 posts
We had a heck of a January! I feel like we were all healthy for like...2 days. The whole month. Cold and flu season sucks.
nectarine / 2262 posts
My 3.5yo has been sick pretty much consistently since the beginning of November. Nothing really severe, but like low grade temp, yellow/green runny nose, cough, super irritable, upper respiratory crud. He took 10 days of antibiotics right before Christmas and we had about 5 days where he was better.
2 days back at Daycare after 1/2 and he's sick again. Just finished 15 days of antibiotics b/c the ped thinks it's become bacterial. He's somewhat better now, but still sounds so congested. And when he cries, green snot is still pouring out of his nose. I'm soooo tired of sickness...
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
My kids pretty much just have constant runny noses (knock on all the wood everywhere...) but last week was a f*ing doozy for me--such a bad cold that I had laryngitis and could barely speak, and then a stomach bug that knocked me totally flat for 2 days. I'm an adjunct prof and was worried I'd have to lecture without a voice and then cancelled class anyway since I was puking. Thanks for the germs, daycare!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Ugh, I think i'm on the mend and knock (really hard) on wood, DS is still healthy.
@nana87: ugh, I'm sorry, I hope the rest of the winter is kinder, I'm sure having to cancel class sucks
@MrsADS: that sucks...sometimes it amazes me just how much snot can come out of such little noses...
@2littlepumpkins: yeah, I feel like where I'm at, winter illness season lasts until like May (and started in September...) so much time left for this to continue...
@Iced Tea: That sounds awful. Maybe lots of yogurt and probiotic drops could help the stools to normalize? We also had an allergic reaction - to tamiflu, I felt so bad for LO... I really hope things look up for you soon.
nectarine / 2951 posts
The fall was really bad for us. My boys had Coxsackie, pink eye, fevers, strep, croup, etc. I also was sick a lot too (sinus infection and then an ear infection). The winter has been kinder, but it isn’t over yet! The flu is running rampant here in NY in my school!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Taking DS to ped tonight bc his cold has now turned into crusty gunky eyes and a bad cough. And he's still lethargic! Ugh. I just want my babies to feel better.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Ajsmommy: oh no, ugh, this winter has been super unkind to you all, I hope this is illness's last hurrah...
@Alba4: ugh, that sounds awful already. Really hope you all avoid the flu!!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
Yep. Since November ..... All 3 of us have had the stomach flu and DS has at least four colds with mild fevers that kept him out of daycare 1-2 days.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
This is a major reason why I use a nanny instead of daycare. It is more expensive but it is worth it to have a more consistent work schedule. Ramping back after maternity leave is already complicated enough.
My son started part time daycare at age 20mo and was largely healthy even then. Maybe we were just lucky but based on that experience I really put limited stock in the theory that you will get slammed eventually no matter what age you start group care. But even if it’s true I would rather deal with it later instead of at the same time that I am adjusting to being back at work.
Disclaimer: I totally get and respect that daycare works better for many people for many reasons. But this is my approach to managing the issue raised by OP.
clementine / 849 posts
Yes. Feels nonstop. Both kids have coughs and faucet noses, and DH and I have a nasty virus that just so happens to involve booting at random times during the day 🤢 No survival tips except being okay with letting the kids play solo while you lie and the couch and moan... and I wish my family was closer to help! Although I feel bad for anyone who dares step foot in this house right now...
grapefruit / 4466 posts
And DS woke up with a low grade fever with his cold (that he's had pretty much nonstop since September). I took it about 50 million times and it never went above 99.1 - and he was completely unbothered and behaving normally - so he went to daycare, but I'm just waiting for the call if it goes up (their cutoff is 100.4).
@wrkbrk: @YogiRunner: Ugh yuck. I also can't wait til DS is old enough to be entertained a bit better independently when I'm feeling awful.
@ElbieKay: agreed that nanny is the most straightforward solution when it works along other dimensions...
persimmon / 1111 posts
Ugh.. DS1 just got diagnosed with an ear infection, DS2 has a faucet nose which I'm sure will end up as another ear infection, and my mom and sister, as well as half my office, has a throw up bug. Thank God I can borrow sick leave
persimmon / 1130 posts
YES. Someone has been sick non stop since October. So exhausting. We’ve had many colds, but also have been slammed with a bunch of other things, including pneumonia and two separate stomach bugs. It’s been brutal.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Now, DS has another mystery virus, with a temperature that hit 103+ this evening. Fever/malaise is the only symptom I notice. And DH appears to have been struck with another virus. He has had in continual succession the past three weeks the flu, a nasty sinus infection, a stomach bug, a horrible GI reaction to a travel vaccine, and now he's sick again and leaving for a business trip to India tomorrow. And DS will be out of daycare again. Two weeks ago when he got a fever, it lasted for seven days.
I honestly feel like I must be doing something wrong. The other kids in DS's daycare class are sick significantly less than he has been. And it's not like DS has a chronic thing, it just appears to be a string of random fevers and viral illness. We wash hands constantly, I really try to sanitize my house, maybe I don't do a good enough job....I breastfeed which is supposed to help.
@LemonJack: That's awful. I've been worried off and on about pneumonia with DS because he always has a cough that has intensified with the random fevers, but doctor always thought his breathing was fine... I really hope things turn a corner for you.
@Pollywog: I empathize. Work feels like a train wreck now... just telling myself I'll catch up somehow... really hope you avoid the puke bug
persimmon / 1130 posts
@periwinklebee: You’re not doing anything wrong. When my older DD was sick a bunch one year, my doctor told me pretty much every kid goes through a year where they are constantly sick. This might just be your year.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@LemonJack: ugh, yeah, I just feel bad, he is so sad and pathetic when he's sick. He gets sick so often, and his teachers comment on how surprised they are at how long his fevers have lasted and how he is the one who never seems to get a break from getting sent home sick. And he's been in group care for longer than any of the other kids in his class. But maybe just luck of the draw...
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