I was on Accutane (a very powerful acne medication that you absolutely can NOT get pregnant on) for 5 months, and finished up with it a little over two months ago. My doctors all say I'm good to go if I want to start trying. I went off birth control last month, and had my first post-BC period 30 days later. That's pretty spot on for being on BC for 10+ years, right? I'm pretty excited about that. I thought it would take longer to balance out.

I met with my new OBGYN (hated my old one) today, and she gave me the go-ahead, as well as pre-natal vitamins and a packet of information on trying to get pregnant. I guess talking to my husband to confirm if he's ready to go is next. We have had discussions leading up to this often..but it's different actually pulling the trigger!

Sorry for the rambling, I guess my question is, is anyone else in the same stage? Getting ready to start? Or just started? I'm nervous! I don't want to start the whole charting thing quite yet, just take the relaxed approach the first couple of months. Anyone else in the same boat? I am such a newb. I know none of the terminology, or even how to chart if I wanted to. Kinda hoping I'm not the only one who has no idea what the hell they're doing here!