In my case, I mean no serious drama. We had our ups and downs but nothing crazy.
Having her is amazing, but there is no doubt in my mind that this has been the hardest year of my life.
For me, the first year included:
An every 2 hour eating/sleeping schedule for the first 9 months. As in, she ate every two hours for many months. She slept in two hour increments for about the same time. We have just recently stopped with the 3+ a night wake ups. She is 18 months. I am STILL exhausted and I have no idea how I made it through that.
Reflux. Vomit everywhere until she started walking at 15 ½ months. The laundry was incomprehensible.
Pumping at work. No lock on the door. Despite best efforts, half the office saw my boobs. And complained about my pumping breaks. For a year, ugh.
Limited sex. My hoo-ha still hurts. Bad luck in the tearing department.
Random health issues with the baby- acid burns on bottom, recurrent croup. Nothing really terrible, just enough to keep me up at night and trying a million different treatments and talking to docs, etc.
She is 18 months and I am now starting to feel ‘normal-ish’ again and I can’t believe I got through the first year without breaking down.
I thought it was tough but I guess I was tougher. I rarely felt negative for long and that amazes me.
I am kind of impressed with myself.
and also feeling pretty good about one and done
Anyone else feel like the first year was crazy hard?