I'm on my third kid, I've cloth diapered with the first two, you'd think I'd have this figured out. Buuuuut, I don't. I'm still looking for that *perfect* cloth diaper. Of course, this is not helped by the fact that I've only had 3 different kinds of CDs so far, haven't been buying and reselling and constantly changing up my stash like lots of fluff mommas seem to do. Also, I have no brick-and-mortar CD stores to go to and compare types and brands, other than seeing the Charlie Bananas at Target.
With Deere Boy, I started out with Bummis Whisper Wraps with velcro closures, stuffed with prefolds, because they were cheap. About the time Tractor Girl came along, the velcro was SHOT on the Whisper Wraps and I did not have the time or the sanity to replace it, so I upgraded to BumGenius Flips. I used both the Stay Dry inserts and prefolds to stuff them and really liked them compared to the Whisper Wraps. I really, really love the one-size option. LOVE. But then a few months ago I got baby fever and was bored with the Flips, so started looking around, watching vids, looking at what all else is out there. That's when I stumbled across the GroVia shells and won a couple on Ebay and OMG, I LOVE these more than anything else I've tried so far- not that I've tried that many, but these seem pretty perfect. I've used them with both the snap-in insert and soaker, as well as the BG inserts and prefolds. They just fit my trim kids so much better than the Flips. But they're pretty expensive. And, while I love them, I'm not sure I can justify sinking the change into them if there's something else out there that fits just as well, but cheaper. SO! That's where I'm hoping for your suggestions! I have a little more money to throw around now, so I'd like to do the Ebay thing and buy a few different ones to try on Tractor Girl before Cricket is born in November (because trying a CD on a 2-year-old is totally the same as using it on a much smaller baby, lol). Here's my requirements:
-gotta be available with snap closures
-cover/insert system, no AIOs or pocket diapers
-one-size covers
What are your favorites?