I have a job interview next week at 30 weeks, and I'm looking for a bit of advice! I honestly never expected to be interviewing this late in my pregnancy! This is a job I applied for back in the fall and was told that I wasn't getting an interview for… but I just got an email asking me to come in next week so I'm guessing their first round picks didn't go so well?

Anyways. I'm not quite sure how to handle interviewing at this stage of the game. Luckily I have one bigger sized suit that still fits me (well, the jacket does and no one will see the last 3 inches of the skirt zipper lol) and looks professional. I think with the jacket on (which I'd expect it will stay on) it will probably not be too hard to guess I'm pregnant if it occurred to them, but I also don't think it is super obvious that I'm pregnant vs. just chubbier than I am (I'm already plus sized so I think that helps it not be so obvious).

I don't intend to HIDE that I'm pregnant really, but they can't ask and I'm thinking it may be best to just not make it obvious or bring it up in the first interview? Really the only time I can think of that I'd need to fess up is if they asked me about starting in May/June/July when I'd expect to be out for maternity leave. Otherwise I'm thinking just treat it like a normal interview and then save the pregnancy disclosure until at least the second interview, assuming I even get one, or perhaps after I got an offer?

The only thing I'm worried about is them thinking it was shady to not mention it earlier if they do like me. But I'm just worried that if they know so soon they'll just cross me off the list as a logistical problem. Any thoughts/advice appreciated!