I'd love to hear from anyone who took a significant paycut, and moved a large distance for a lifestyle change?
We are looking at a 20 hour drive from our current home, less than 50% pay for me (can work my way back to about 75% of now with no further education). We would be able to be mortgage free with cost of housing here/what we've made on this house and cost of living there. Aside from mortgage free and paycuts our day to day won't look that much different.
I know what other bills will look like, everything will mostly go down, food will not (and daycare won't either :p). Some purchases will have to be very calculated or planned (closest city 2 hours from us).
If you did this, is there anything you didn't expect or didn't think of that you wish you knew? I am excited, but am so not one for change, so this is huge. This move will be from suburban/close to major city, hustle and bustle, to a small town of 4000 and a very different pace of life.