I can't even believe I'm posting this... I should buy gold again just for it!

I had a 3rd degree tear that was difficult to repair. At least that's what I was told? There was a lot of blood loss too. Not sure how many stitches. Recovery wasn't bad. After a couple of days, I was sitting fine and walking around fine. Bathroom has been mostly fine too. I'm 7 weeks PP today and have my checkup tomorrow. I looked down below a while back and didn't really see anything alarming (why I'd look at stitches is beyond me but I tried lol). I looked again today and I swear my lady bits look differnet now. Like there's a bigger hole than before. Can that be possible?! I hope I'm just imagining it because I want to cry, if so. I don't even know. Did anyone look different after their repair? Please tell me I'm just losing it...