Hellobee Boards


April 2017 POAS

  1. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @mrskansas: ooooh! I'm hopeful for you!

    Still nothing today....stark negative with FMU. Feeling pretty typical AF symptoms (hormonal/bitchy, etc) so I'm guessing I'm going to be out but we'll see.

  2. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @mrskansas: can we see it next to yesterday's??

  3. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @knittylady: my ridiculous husband threw them away!! But I'll just test again tomorrow and see if it's more clear

  4. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @mrskansas: LOL my DH doesn't touch my shit. He better not anyway! I have CD 9-13 lined up on the bathroom vanity.

  5. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @dominobee: I'm actually having a hard time even seeing a line on here now, lol

  6. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Bummer!

  7. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    AF showed up this am. Totally not surprised, except she was a day earlier than I expected. I really haven't been hopeful at all that it could happen. That sounds awful. I called my OBGYN office as soon as they opened and got the next available appointment on April 10 to discuss next steps.

  8. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @jhd: I'm so sorry. I hope your OBGYN is able to give you some advice on what to do next. *hug*

  9. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @dominobee: thanks

  10. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    FRER was totally negative so that's good. Im 10 dpo at the most so I'll probably test Sunday.

  11. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jhd: I'm really sorry I was so hoping that things would work out for you this cycle I hope that you'll be able to come up with a plan that will help in feeling more hopeful. If my hcg zeros out, we'll do IF testing next cycle. Even though it more often than not doesn't turn up anything specific, I find it helpful to know that we're ruling out the obvious stuff and will hopefully put a limit on how long we'll try without pursuing further interventions.

  12. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @periwinklebee: thank you i think it will help me to have a plan. thinking of you and hoping so much that you can move forward with next steps very soon.

  13. PeaceLily

    apricot / 360 posts

    @jhd: I'm sorry. I hope your OB appointment goes well.

  14. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    4/1 - bushelandapeck, lilyofthewest, mrs. jellyfish
    4/4 - mrskansas
    4/5 - tionn3
    4/7 - periwinklebee
    4/8 - madisonbee, skiierchck99
    4/15 - dominobee
    4/22 - chypmunk
    4/26 - marfi
    TBD - mrs.panda

    plus cheerleaders coral, knittylady, mrsbubbletea, raspberry & 2littlepumpkins

  15. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    I'm feeling really down today. I know it's early but I really thought I was pregnant.

  16. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @PeaceLily: thank you

  17. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @mrskansas: it's still early! FX for you. Hopefully you can find something to distract you, but I know that's hard. I made chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. Not at all healthy but it was fun!

  18. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @mrskansas: I'm still hopeful for you. I know how devastating this all is though. Just wanting to get it right.

  19. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: I'm sorry I hope you still have a chance!

    I'm joining up to cheerlead ... I will be poas this month but only to see how my hcg falls after a d&c. I'm feeling good about looking forward though and sharing in some others' journeys! Among a bunch of losses both my successes were April starts so it's a good month to me

  20. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @bhbee: are you supposed to wait a certain time to try?

  21. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @knittylady: no, my ob is pretty laid back and she said whenever we feel ready is fine. I'm not sure I'll ovulate this month but may is probably better anyway. I need to lose that first tri 5

  22. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @jhd: sorry, hun. I hope the OB appt goes well next month.

  23. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @mrskansas: still early, mama! hang in there

  24. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @madisonbee: thanks

  25. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bhbee: sorry you're here with us but so glad to have you!

    Still negative today. I'm guessing it's 10dpo so maybe still early, but I've always had at least a faint positive by this time when I've been pregnant. Not holding out a lot of hope. AF should be here by Tues, if I had to guess.

  26. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    Negative at 11 dpo. Definitely not pregnant.

  27. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bushelandapeck: hang in there mama

  28. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bushelandapeck: @mrskansas: I know it's discouraging but it's also still early. Still holding out hope

    Today is 7dpo for me - I'm really not expecting anything. Given our history I'm just assuming that the odds any given month are low, but I still feel like at this point I become hyper aware of every little twinge thinking "could it be implantation". These thoughts annoy me to no end, yet I have them anyway

  29. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: trigger is the worst hugs!!

  30. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @bushelandapeck: with my son I had nothing until 11dpo!

  31. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    this morning, but, I'm only 7dpo, so, not really hoping for anything for another day or three. I just like to POAS!

  32. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

  33. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    No more testing for me until Tuesday when my period is due, unless it shows up before then. I really don't want to continue taking the progesterone unless it's necessary

  34. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @mrskansas: thinking of you. This all sucks.

  35. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @mrskansas: Still rooting for you

  36. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @periwinklebee: this process is the ultimate test of mindfulness. I fail pretty much all the time!

  37. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    Meanwhile, I feel no signs of anything at all. I've attempted to stare at HPTs at store in the last week but skipped buying them knowing I'll get a negative by testing too early. Gah!

  38. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @madisonbee: I went to Target this morning and it honestly didn't even cross my mind to buy any tests, which is crazy. I don't have any so I did order some OPK/HPTs from Amazon that should be here Monday in case my period doesn't show.

  39. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @mrskansas: Willpower! I'm thinking of ordering some on Amazon now too. I'm starting to think we'll end up doing the Provera + Femara.

  40. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @madisonbee: yeah it's so much easier to buy from Amazon!
    Glad you have a plan moving forward!!

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