Hellobee Boards


April POAS: 6 month plus TTC

  1. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @Raindrop: Ah I totally understand that! I def wish we didn't have to plan bd'ing. Ugh. Temping is the ttc thing that stresses me out! I refuse to do it; I look for signs and patterns plenty on my own haha.

  2. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @LindsayInNY: thank you, that's encouraging!

  3. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @septca: super swimmers is the phrase of the day!!!

  4. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I think that's the worst part of TTCing... forced BDing. It's suppose to be fun! But it ends up being kind of a chore. And with a BFN you think on man we have to BD that much again next month!!! Maybe it's just me but it's exhausting!

  5. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @MrsMcD: @sarahnicole218: @Kelli_Deluxe: Glad to know I'm not the only one that stress out over those things!

  6. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @Raindrop: Yesssss.... I will admit that there are times when I think, Ugh we have to bd, and then I feel guilty for not being jazzed to be with my husband. The cycle never ends (no pun intended!)

    Just got my bill from our first iui last month I honestly can't complain about the amount (other girls in my military group payed WAY more than us) but it's a bit painful to see the numbers displayed so boldly haha.

  7. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: our insurance doesn't cover IUI so it's $1600 a cycle

  8. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @littlek: oh my lord Our insurance doesn't cover it either... Idk if we got a discount or our office is just normally inexpensive. At $1600 a pop, I totally get why some people say they'd rather save for ivf instead. That's almost offensive when you think about how quick an iui is

  9. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: shockingly IVF is covered under our insurance BUT you have to have tried other methods first

  10. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @littlek: Well that's awesome! What do they consider "trying other methods?"

  11. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @littlek: Wow so pricy!! So you have to pay for IUI before you can get covered IVF? That seems kind of ... *lack of a better word* LAME!

  12. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Raindrop: Yes! We will try IUI 3 times and if it doesn't work we move on to IVF.

  13. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: IUI and timed intercourse.

  14. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @littlek: Those tricksters; paying for things without actually paying for things! Ohhhhh insurance. I guess in the grand scheme it's not so bad. It'll all be worth it soon!!

  15. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I'm 35 and have a risk for getting DOR so time is of the essence. :(.

  16. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I'm with some of the other ladies on not being able to NTNP. I tried that, but I am still so disappointed. I am in the TWW, but not even paying attention to days. I am not temping during the TWW (once I confirmed O).

    My very Catholic mother who observes feast days and does not know we're TTC wished me a "happy feast of the annunciation." This is when the angel told Mary she would have Jesus. Maybe it's a sign for someone. This is the last cycle where my jury duty theory is still alive, since I was supposed to report on 3/12, but was excused.

    On the new job possibility- I am supposed to call tomorrow to "discuss next steps." I am so hoping the pay will be reasonable.

  17. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Raindrop: I hate forced BDing.

    @AmeliaBedilia: good luck tomorrow, keep us posted!

    @littlek: that's so strange! I'm glad they cover ivf, but you'd think they would let you move there more quickly due to DOR.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I'm a little scared of the cost of these things. =\

    I ran out of Wandfos OPKs. The cvs ones I bought are pretty light... Which makes me wonder if my surge was yesterday and I missed it.

  18. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    I thought IUI would cost like $300!! gees.

    What exactly is "timed intercourse"?

  19. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Good for you not paying attention to days this wait! And hopefully this potential new job will help with that

    @Crystal: I was honestly worried too, esp when other girls on our insurance were paying so much. Luckily it's very doable (though our first round we had 2 iui's so it's double the amount).

    @MrsMcD: Timed intercourse is bd'ing naturally based on when you're supposed to O/get positive OPK

  20. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: BDing based on OPKs? So basically, everyone on this thread is doing timed intercourse!

  21. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @MrsMcD: Well.... Yes! Haha I am not since we are doing an iui cycle again, and I think there are one or two not trying-not preventing. But there are also people who do medicated timed intercourse; same concept, just using clomid or something similar to boost your bd'ing

  22. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: thanks for explaining, I never knew what that meant either.

  23. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    Yeah, timed intercourse is basically TTC when you actually know what you are doing. I could never NTNP, I started charting the cycle I went off BCP. I'm too Type A.

  24. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @septca: I started charting the cycle I went off BCP too, but it's been over 12 months and I'm tired of it! I'm still waiting for AF to arrive this cycle, so still temping for now, but then I'm on to zero tracking for a couple of months. I wonder how long I'll be able to go NTNP? It IS stressing me out to keep tracking, but the thought of NOT knowing what's going on with my cycle is stressing me out too...UGH!

  25. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @MrsMcD: IUI at my OB's office is $300. I knew that seemed reasonable, but had no idea that wasn't close to the "norm." I had read somewhere to expect to spend $400-$600 and we determined it would be worth it, but $1,600!!?!? Oh my! Poor @littlek:

  26. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Fingers crossed for good pay! Please keep us updated with the job developments! Also, I'm praying for a continued relaxing TWW for you!

  27. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    So I'm not officially joining as a POAS lady, but I am a rollover from March. I'll be actively on here, and I'll update if I DO end up testing for some reason. But without Clomid, I expect my cycles to go back to their crazy long length.

  28. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @sarahnicole218: catching up from yesterday ... I think metformin can take a few months but some people see improvement right away.
    I've been on it since mid-feb so I'll let you know if it does the bfp trick (of course I also did clomid/iui this cycle but I'm counting on met to make the difference!)

  29. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sarahnicole218: It's really the monitoring that is so expensive. $400 a visit.

  30. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @MrsMcD: it is my house, im very lucky, dh let me design the extension, the house used to be just his and i didnt like it hehe

  31. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Raindrop: it's nofmal i think to feel like that and so irritating when someone advises you to just do it everyday... yeah we did that the first month too....i dont fancy walking round like a cowboy until my long awaited bfp!

    Went for my first blood test under the fertility expert yesterday but it was still at tge old doctors for cost reasons. I told her i was day 28 not 21 but i was 7 dpo. She looked at me as if id said i was psychic and have spoken to her dead grandmother. Yes i can tell when i o actually..... and it doesnt require super natural powers!

  32. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @bhbee: Fingers crossed for you!! Have you had any negative side effects from it?

  33. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Tested today at 10 DPO and BFN.. AF should be here by Friday.. I'll update when she makes her glorious appearance. I think my geriatric eggs need a clomid kick to the crotch..

  34. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts


    April 1: bhbee, doxielove
    April 2: Boopers
    April 7: Crystal, Raindrop
    April 10: MrsMcD
    April 12: Kelli_Deluxe (IUI)
    April 24: littlek (IUI)
    April 27: LindsayInNY

    TBD: Happygal, AmeliaBedilia, CupQuakeWalk, septca, Snowdrop,
    NTNP: sarahnicole218

  35. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @littlek: hahaha, "kick in the crotch."

  36. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Snowdrop: hahahhaha.. you crack me up. I don't think doctors know how savy we are... thank you world wide web.

  37. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @littlek: Nice. I love it when you get salty with your "geriatric eggs."

    @sarahnicole218: I am glad you are hanging around anyway.

    @Snowdrop: I had the exact same experience when I scheduled my "21 day" bloodwork. When I told the nurse practitioner that I would be coming in at 7 DPO instead, she looked at me like I was crazy and made me give her explicit details about *how* I *knew* I would be 7 DPO. ::face:plam::

  38. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    Okay ladies, CD1! So I am officially joining.

    Cycle #: 5, month 6 TTC
    POAS/AF date: O will be 04/11 or 04/12, so AF is due around 04/27, which means I will likely start POAlltheS around 04/22. (Sorry for the novel - @littlek: you can list me for 04/22, please.)
    Fvaorite thing about spring: Living in DC! I swear, this city was *made* for spring. Cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils, tons of trees everywhere... Just walking to work makes me so happy during April and May. (And usually during March, but this March can go screw itself.)

    Since this is my first time POAlltheS here, I will give a little GTKY intro in case it is helpful to everyone:
    DH and I have been married for 3.5 years, together for 10 next week (woo hoo!). We started TTC shortly after our wedding - I had really normal, ovulatory cycles right off BCP but developed severe abdominal pain around O (and then all the time). After 10 months of TTC, I had a lap and was diagnosed with endometriosis and found out that both of my tubes were blocked. So we had 10 months of perfect TI under our belys and all were worth zilch. My *wonderful* doctor was able to clear one tube and we successfully conceived DD the next cycle I O'ed from the "good" side (the right). Shortly after DD was born, AF and my pain returned and I went on a Rx progesterone that made me depressed and *extremely* fun to be around. After a few months of that, DH and I decided - ready or not - to TTC again because 2u2 was better than a depressed, PMS-y wife. That was at the beginning of November. I was still BFing, so had wonky cycles for the first few months off the meds. An HSG in December showed that both of my tubes are open now, but there is a lot of scar tissue between my left tube and ovary, so our chances of conceiving from that side are slim to zero. I am very excited for this cycle because I am completely done BFing, my cycles have returned to normal, and I should be O'ing from the good side. Since every month I am off my meds and not KU means that my endo is growing back into my tubes and ovaries, time is of the essence. My doctor is only giving us until summer before pressing IVF, so this cycle we are throwing the kitchen sink at TTC and hoping for the best.

    Finally (and man, am I chatty this morning!), I just want to thank all of you for the warm welcome here. I know many of you from my past journey and I feel lucky to be part of such a strong, warm group of women. I hope that every single one of us will be getting the heck out of here soon.

  39. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    Also, this little thing has been my go-to mantra/support/TTC inspiration, so I am posting it here in case it can be helpful to you, too.

  40. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @septca: I should be Oing around April 13 so maybe we can be POAlltheS twins!!!

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