I love reading books & magazine articles to gain perspective and different viewpoints on childrearing. And in some ways it probably makes a subconcious impact on how I raise my kids. But I think for the most part, I'm a pretty go-with-the-flow type of mom. If a book says to never let your kid do this or that, I just kind of go with my instincts and follow my own judgements. But I know plenty of other moms who are very "by the book" and feel much more comfortable going with what the experts say. They'll read something somewhere and then try to change their ways to fit what they just read.

In regards to health, I'm much more by the book. But in terms of discipline or development, I just kind of go with the flow.

There's nothing wrong with either style. It's your own personal choice. I'm just curious to hear from other moms on this. What kind of parenting style do you have?