I don't have any food allergies, per se, but I do have a contact allergy from the flesh of raw butternut squash. It makes me sad because I LOVE butternut squash, but I have to be very careful in handling it. More than a few minutes and the skin on my palms starts to look like...when you poured glue on your hands when you were little and it dried? And my skin gets really tight and itchy.

I'm also allergic to most hand lotions. I won't even try anything scented anymore. My hands start to feel like they're burning, and I get tons of little bumps all over them. I went through a phase of trying samples and always had a Benadryl ready. And I can have bad seasonal allergies--although they haven't been a problem so far this year (*knock on wood*)

My DH is allergic to wool. His throat starts to close up. And my SIL is deathly allergic to pork. If her boys eat a slice of pepperoni pizza and kiss her without washing their hands/face she'll get lip-shaped welts on her cheeks. She jokes that if she knew the world was ending/she was dying she was just going to sit down with a big pile of bacon and eat as much as she could as fast as she could.