DH and I are Brits but live in Canada at the mo. Last week he lost his job and since both of our visas are tied to that job, we risked being kicked out of the country when his pay-off ends - two weeks before my due date!

We were really panicking thinking we'd lose our OHIP (provincial healthcare scheme) coverage so have to go back to England with me heavily preggers - the last thing I want. The more I hear about my friends and family having babies in England, the less I want to do it. I want to have my baby in Toronto, where I've got a great healthcare team who I trust, and know that if I want an epidural, I'll be able to have one without a guilt trip.

It really got me thinking how much I want to have this baby here, and not in England. And luckily, it sounds like our OHIP coverage will be honoured, it's just our extended benefits we'll lose.

Are you happy with the place you're having your baby in? Or is there somewhere else you'd rather be?

(This isn't a dig at the English healthcare system, I love the NHS, I've just heard some terrible childbirth stories from there recently).