grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: Thank you! I appreciate your statement on imperfections and finding the spice of life. Very astute.
You are right with your chart. A sawtooth is up-and-down daily so it isn't until there are two or three drops when one starts to worry. I'm hopeful for you.
As for a pattern in mine ... It kind of looks like 2 identical plateaus. (It was mirror-imaged then flipped.) The first has been flipped upside down and the second (which shares a leg with the first) is upright. It is very odd. Hopefully, my BBT will increase tomorrow and it will be lucky.
(I'm very analytical and look for patterns and data in everything ... I know, it is kooky. ).
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Question of the day:
Needy dog OR hinting something maybe-possibly is cooking in the oven?
Pililani (the pictured pup) was a suction cup when I became pregnant with DS; however, she is a VERY cuddly canine when SHE wants to be so I can't tell. My old poodle (Chanel) and cat (Kiera) were ALL over my stomach and chest when I was pregnant with DD .... And they were not fond of each other but would cuddle to be close to my stomach. I don't know what to think with THIS.
* Some background - Pili will (normally) cuddle with me at night but, typically, favors my husband because he runs warm. She is affectionate with me when my fibro acts up or I'm ill, though. . At the moment, I'm not having a fibro flare-up nor do I feel either ill or pregnant. I am confused by her immense affection.
(1) Clingy puppy or possibly a BFP soon?
(2) Has a pet ever alerted you (or a friend or family member) to a pregnancy or illness?
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: My "sawteeth" are getting smaller. Today's temp was higher than Monday's.
She looks a bit worried. Like she knows that sleepless nights are ahead...
I'm sure dogs know when you're expecting, they might not tell you, but they know. If they can be taught to sniff out cancer or low blood sugar, they probably can "smell" pregnancy too. (A new business idea? )
Mine tells me when I something is boiling over in the kitchen or my phone rings and I didn't hear. No health alerts so far.
pear / 1728 posts
11 dpo and still haven't tested - I'm proud of my willpower this month! I usually have none
I also haven't been symptom spotting at all so I feel zero percent pregnant... Maybe that's a good sign since I felt totally normal with my previous pregnancies;
pear / 1728 posts
@Kaohinani: My dog was like this when I was pregnant - he would curl up in bed with me and be the little spoon (as little as an 80lb german shepherd can be). I don't think he was extra affectionate before I knew I was pregnant, but who knows!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Great job!!! .
I don't really think I am or feel pregnant at all. I suppose I'm just hopeful because Pililani is acting oddly. I'm only 8 dpo so I'd (probably) be implanting were I to get a BFP this cycle. I'm so curious though. π€
cherry / 119 posts
@Kaohinani: I would have done the same thing and snapped a picture of my kiddos. It's what capturing memories is all about. Then show it to them when they're older and lovingly tease them about their childhood antics. π€£
As for the doggie, I've always read about their sensing pregnancy, although I have no personal experience with it. It sounds so special and sweet. π€© I hope it is an indication of a BFP for you. π€
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@MrsDynamiteGal: Thank you, Dynamite Gal! I hadn't thought to show them when they grow up a bit. π€. Hopefully, they will laugh upon seeing their youthful hijinks.
I also hope Pililani's behavior is an indication of something good.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@starlitsky: I think I'm actually ovulating on CD 15 this cycle which I hope is good because my doctor has been hoping for a slightly later than CD14 O date. Fingers crossed
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: My lab knew I was pregnant before I knew I was pregnant (albeit I didn't test until 6 1/2 weeks). He was still pretty young, especially for a lab because the love and stupid is strong in them for 3+ years, at not even 1 year old; yet he stopped running all over me and jumping on me and would just cuddle up next to me.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@skinnycow: I hope to have your will power this month, but with as slow as my cycle seems to be going, 11 dpo feels like years away.
cherry / 119 posts
@Sams Mom: π€ for you!
We have a 8 month old border collie mix. We suspect he might have some lab so your comment made me giggle because he's just the loveliest and goofiest.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MrsDynamiteGal: I absolutely LOVE labs, my parents used to breed them, we have always had one... but dear lord the derp is strong in them for a long time.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: You speak the truth about labs. . Luna (pictured being "so calm" below) is a Lab-pit mix (* Her mom was a black lab, her dad was a Lab-pit mix). She is BONKERS. Luna is the epitome of what is inquisitive, smart, destructive (* she has eaten our deck), playful, and is a jumper (* we should have named her "POGO!" ). Positive reinforcement training only works as much as she WANTS to be engaged. Lol. She is a goofball and is always ready to play. She is, however, the most gentle with me and with DS. It is cute.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: Remington was definitely MY dog, until the day we brought Sam home from the hospital. I was ditched, forgotten, discarded, and only good for letting him out and feeding him. I'm not sure if my son thinks he's a puppy, or Remington thinks he's a human... but they are inseparable.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: this is an old picture, but a good representation of them
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: That is so ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!
. Best friends!
DS and Pililani are closer than are DS and Luna. Luna is only a goofy puppy. Pili was there when G was born. She is very tolerant of him and I believe she thinks she is his 2nd mommy. . Luna, I think, she views me as her alpha and sees my DS as another puppy. Both dogs harass DD.
. I think it is because she tries to cuddle them too much, and dresses them up, oh, and riles them up with play then just leaves ... that last one would p*ss me off too were I a dog.
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Kaohinani: my dog did that when I was pregnant with my LO! It was so sweet! Heβs very good with my son still but my son basically ignores him
My AF is two days late... but I keep getting BFNs feel like my body is playing tricks on me. I had some brown spotting and cramping on Monday and Tuesday so I was sure AF was coming but now today nothing. Iβve also been sick with a sore throat and body aches so Iβm going to the Dr to get that checked out. Maybe being sick messed up my cycle?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@magnolia: What dpo are you? Could it have been implantation bleeding/scant brown spotting. Although (fairly) uncommon "statistically," it can occur at the absolute earliest at 5 dpo and (generally) the latest at 12 dpo. It would take 2-4 days from the last day of your "bleed" for any level of HCG to measure in your urine. I'm being positive here. It could also be a wonky cycle as, it appears, all of August has yielded "WONKY" periods, ovulations, BBT charts ... Lol.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: Finally got it attached, I jokingly call them my security team.
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Kaohinani: Thank you for the positivity! donβt really know what day I ovulated because i donβt use opks or anything. But according to clue Iβm 15 dpo. So I guess itβs possible that was implantation on mon/tues? And I just donβt have enough in my system yet? I also had spotting and cramps when I got my BFP with my son but I think I had already gotten a
by the time that set in. Hard to remember. So Iβll test again tomorrow if no AF but Iβm leaning towards wonky!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: From earlier this morning. My two "toddlers" playing through the baby gate. Luna "paws" for G's hand so he will pet her. G grabs at Luna and squeals in delight. They are a funny two-some!
clementine / 828 posts
My previous dog (dachshund mix) was definitely my dog, and never noticed that I was pregnant. She was always gentle with the kids, but she really did not like that we had kids. She was elderly, and had a hard time adjusting.
She has since passed, and our current dog is less attached to me, I doubt he would notice. He is used to children, because we had children when we adopted him.
My husband wants to get a lab puppy at some point (both the dogs I have had I got as adults), but I have concerns about whether it would get enough energy. Maybe when the kids are older.
I am not feeling optimistic about this month. I have been analyzing my chart, but I know I just have to wait. I don't like to test early, I just find it stressful, and I have never gotten an early bfp. I will probably test on Friday if my temperatures look good. I only have one test left (plus one expired test).
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@mdf106: Thank you for responding to my query. I hope your BBT stays high and you get a BFP on Friday.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
So my first OPK of the day is "high" (not a digital but getting close ish to +), so maybe I'll ovulate tomorrow... maybe I'll ovulate Friday. This is killing me though because my husband is in the middle of a 3 day off streak today, and goes back tomorrow night for 3 days, which will totally skew my SMEP for the month. uggghhhhh
grapefruit / 4144 posts
**** Inquiring on how one would respond -
So, one of my clients (an "older" lady, mind you) pats my belly and says, "I heard through the grapevine you were trying for another bundle. Any luck yet? I was hoping you've been hiding something there." She then gave me a warm smile and pat my stomach again. In my mind, I recoil as both her actual words ("Any luck yet?") AND nonverbal insinuation (patting my stomach TWICE!) that my "Clomid weight" has been me hiding pregnancy weight was upsetting; however, I understand she is curious and means well. I just said, "Nope, still working on it ... Now tell me about your new son-in-law as we begin our stretches." I think she sensed my discomfort so she didn't press on. I'm fairly nonconfrontational so I figured my exchange with her was "safe" but it still bothers me as I reflect upon it.
Anyway, my inquiry to you ladies:
(1) How do you deal with unwanted but well-meant exchanges over TTC?
(2) Has anyone ever insulted you (your weight, life style, ttc choice, etc) innocently and how did you handle it?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I have RBF, so I don't get stranger comments... So when I get it from people I know, I'm a dick because they do know how long we've been trying.
I think you handled your client well though.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: You are going to have to expand "RFB" for me. Medically, I wouldn't know what it is. As a military spouse, the only thing I am familiar with what "RFB" stands for is "Rifle - Forward- ejecting Bullpup." That would scare the sh*t (and comments) out of anyone.
Thank you though for stating I handled myself well. I'm always afraid I'll offend.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I do love me a bull pup... But in this case it means "Resting Bitch Face"=not approachable... Like I literally never had a stranger pat my pregnant belly.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Wait, I take that back. Resting bee face. Got it.
Was so upset over my client that it knocked the common sense out of me.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I just got that msg. .
Everyone speaks to me in public. That is why I wear shirts that say, "Introvert," or "Antisocial Butterfly," or "You not talking to me is my happy place!". . As you all know, I am a very happy, friendly person ... I just don't like people in my " bubble" and harassing me.
pear / 1728 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm sorry - that's super inappropriate!
I've had people ask me when we're having another and I always just say I don't know because I'm very non-confrontational. Sometimes I want to say, "well we started trying a year ago, then I got pregnant and miscarried, and here we are" just so they'll shut up and stop asking. I swear some people just think you have sex once and poof, you're pregnant.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Exactly! Thank you! Were she not a client or an older woman (and had I been in crappy mood), I may had said, "Been trying for 33 cycles now" or I may have commented that the Clomid is making me puffy (so she doesn't start looking for other trainers ) but I just don't have the energy nor do I want to explain my situation to someone OUTSIDE of who is on a NTK basis.
clementine / 828 posts
@Kaohinani: I am very unapproachable, so I have not had too much of a problem with strangers approaching me. I did have a lot of people comment on me being pregnant, even fairly early on in the second trimester with my second, because I was so big. DH told some of his family we are TTC (against my preference), and I am certain word is spreading, so I can see some comments going forward. I have had people ask if we are having another, and I always say I don't know or I haven't decided, even when we are TTC, I hate people speculating about my body, and would hate for people to know we were unsuccessful.
I have had a significant number of comments about me working too much (especially with my previous job) and about DH being a SAHD. I have also had a lot of positive comments on the latter point, though. I have also had people imply that we could or switch roles, but this would not be possible even if we wanted to, because my earning capacity is much higher than his is. I always speak enthusiastically about how well it works for our family, or that I think I would be unhappy staying home.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@mdf106: Thank you. I appreciate that suggested the "I don't know" and be vague route. It is funny because I suggest my DD use it all the time to get out of situations in which people are entirely too intrusive; however, I become so flustered that I forget to use it myself!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: When DH had his swimmers checked, it took under a week to get the results. It took less time for him to get his results than it did for both of my Amniocentesis tests (* 2 weeks with DD in 2007 and about a week in HI with DS in 2014)!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: good to know! We have to wait almost a week before we can do the analysis because the whole no sex/masturbation for 48 hours before and I'm not wrecking my fertile week like that.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: We had it scheduled right before my expected AF was due to END because I figured that week of no intimacy would overlap AF and I would be in a fine zone to not want to be "frisky" as it wasn't near OV time. Everything worked out beautifully. If we can schedule another, I will do it the same way, as well as, I will consider DH's work and Reservist schedules.
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