clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm sorry you had to be in that situation, that sounds awful, but you handled it beautifully.
Around here people aren't open about their personal lives. It's rare for couples to tell anyone that they're TTC, some closer friends or family might know, but I imagine they would know better than ask questions like that. My family doesn't know and we've been at it for five and a half years. I told some of my closer friends when I had to go to the doctor often and my arm was bruised from all of the blood drawn, but that was only about two years in. They knew not to ask anything if I didn't tell them myself. Now, more than three years later, rarely anyone takes up the subject anymore at all and if they do my go to answer is "there's still time to solve that urgent problem", it doesn't sound right in English though. It's more like a way to jokingly say "don't worry about that, I'll let you know".
It would be considered extremely rude for a stranger or even an acquaintance to approach someone and ask anything personal like that, touching someone would be even worse. (The exception here may be obviously pregnant women or cute babies and old ladies, but that's rare too.)
I mean we're not completely antisocial as a nation, we just need more time to warm up.
As I have never been pregnant, I don't know what I would do in the belly touching scenario, but I'd probably dodge.
Oh, and the dog/kid pics were super cute!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
So my kid dropped the people's elbow on my ginormous ovary last night during the regularly scheduled pre-bed wrestle mania... I thought I was going to puke (still feel a bit nauseous), so either I now know what it feels like to get kicked in the balls... Or I should be worried.
Ugggghhhhhh, yesterday was not my day
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. There is a certainly a cultural difference in social acceptability, the outward discussion of "the taboo," and with personal boundaries between what is found in the United States and what is acceptable (or common) in most other countries! I can not deny that. . While I may be a warm, goofy, sarcastic, and at times, a playful person; I appreciate more restrained social interactions and enjoy my personal space (unless the social interface warrants a hug or the like) so I become very uncomfortable when people overreach and are intrusive. On the topic of TTC - I respect the fact that individuals "don't really ask" in your country and that after time passes, limited inquiries are made about progress. I've been TTC for #3 for 2.75 years and WAY too many people know (not my decision for most of them ... DH "slips" when he goes on a tangent in discussion.) AND 2/3 of them either have an opinion or feel the need to check up on our "progress" frequently (or have both! ). It is unbelievably frustrating. I couldn't imagine being TTC for as long as you have (* You make me want to continue to try because if you can do it, surely, I can as well. ) but, here, in America... I would go absolutely MAD from the intrusive comments! Anyway, thank you so much for your response.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I'm so sorry!!!! I can ACTUALLY say, "Hun, I feel your pain!" 🤕
During OV this cycle (Remember my "orange ovaries," which I had mentioned?), Luna trampled over on me when we were playing on the floor and stepped on my right one (the one I was having Mittelschmerz from). I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital that morning. We still BD that night but I was nearly in tears and afterwards, DH asked if I needed to go to the hospital. (Of course not, I'm a brute. I can handle ANYTHING! ) I took 1/2 a Norco instead. I STILL have a lovely bruise from it at 9 dpo due to the Aspirin I've been taking. Lol.
Here's to hoping that today gets better and your ovary yields an awesome ovum!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@ 4:30 am, after BBT, I rushed to the powder room to void so I could AVOID POAS at 9 dpo. Saving myself from seeing a BFN, one drop at a time.
9 dpo - Only "symptoms" this morning = tender breasts, BBT back up .12, gassy (ewww, tmi) ... So, basically, nothing exciting.
Any updates, ladies?
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: Whatever works!
10 dpo, temp went up a bit, no spotting yet, but I have a bit of cramping and a feeling that AF is on it's way.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: I hope your AF doesn't come! I keep hoping and wishing for you to announce a BFP!
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: You and me both! I appreciate it a lot, thank you.
I'm still very hopeful, I just physically feel exactly like I do every cycle before AF. I can't explain it. Just an overall feeling.
pear / 1728 posts
12 dpo and zero symptoms. Testing tomorrow morning and really nervous about seeing a negative test.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Keeping my F'x for you!!!! Hoping to see something good!
clementine / 811 posts
@skinnycow: Let's hope for a BFP so you won't have to see a negative one then!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@skinnycow: ahhhh I admire your willpower to hold out! Hopefully this new "routine" gets you your BFP!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I would never wish this pain on anyone else! I am still nauseous this morning! I ended up taking a leftover tooth extraction percocet at 3AM so I could get some sleep... ughhhhh. It hurts, but the nausea is what is getting me still.
clementine / 828 posts
My temperature is still up a little, about 0.1 below the peak, at probably 12 dpo (although with my wonky chart it is possible I am 11 or 9 dpo). I'll test tomorrow morning if it is still up.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I'm so sorry. . It really does hurt like H*ll. Almost feels like something has ruptured, right? 🤕 I would say that if you continue to feel miserable for another day or two, call the OBGYN. I had 24 hours of pain (beyond normal "Clomid OV pain" which sucks more than regular OV pains) and then I had (deep) tenderness and now I have localized (tissue) tenderness due to the bruising. I didn't have nausea beyond the 5 seconds after Luna stomped my ovary.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@mdf106: 12 (or 11 or 10) dpo with a BBT well above coverline is awesome! Hoping it stays up and you get your BFP tomorrow.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I already emailed my doctor last night with a list of questions... At least he'll be entertained this morning.
I asked about my husbands analysis and if I can be lazy and get my thyroid levels checked so I don't have to do a copay at another doctor when I already have to see him next month. Then said "Sam dropped the peoples elbow on my ginormous ovary last night. I nearly puked from the pain... So do I now know what it feels like to get kicked in the nuts? Or is this cause for concern?"
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Hahahaha! . I love how candid and to the point you are with things. Were I your doctor, I'd always be laughing. (*chuckle-snorts*)
*This was meant as a complement and not to offend. I hope you don't think I was ribbing you.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: O hell, you can't offend me like that. I try to at least make it entertaining since he's stuck answering all my ridiculous questions.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I still feel nauseous and it still hurts and it happened 13 ish hours ago. I might be acting like a giant wiener, but I just want to go home and not do anything.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: That's not good. If you feel like absolute crap, see if you can leave. Sick people are not productive people ... Just warm bodies. IDK if you received a response from your doc but, in all honesty, I'd call the OBGYN if the pain and nausea continues. Pain (discomfort) is bad enough but serious pain and nausea warrant a Dr visit. I hope you feel better soon, hun.
pear / 1728 posts
@Sams Mom: Have you had your thyroid checked previously? I have a suspicion that mine is creating issues for me...
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@skinnycow: I've been on Thyroid meds for 4-5 years now. I had hypothyroidism up until after I had my son, then it decided it wanted to be autoimmune and I now have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. If you have any questions, ask away
grapefruit / 4144 posts
9 dpo - new "non-symptoms."
1- Creamy cm (which is odd for me due to my Sjogren's syndrome), and
2 - cravings for vinegar-based foods (Had a mug of homemade chicken broth and 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut [* I seem to only like sauerkraut when ttc on Clomid ] for breakfast, AND then 2 slices of pineapple, salt and vinegar chips, and kale with red wine and vinegar dressing on it for lunch.)
* Pililani is still being clingy.
REALLY hoping these "non-symptoms" aren't simply due to Clomid aftereffects on my system OR on the massive amount of Progesterone in my system. (*crosses fingers*)
pear / 1728 posts
@Sams Mom: Oh interesting - I didn't know your history! I had sub clinical hypothyroidism with my first pregnancy. I've had my thyroid checked twice (not when TTC) and my TSH is around 3. So not outside of the normal range but high for TTC/pregnancy.
I often wonder if being on thyroid meds during my second pregnancy could have prevented my miscarriage.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@skinnycow: I know there is a lot of research that shows it needs to be low normal to conceive, but I was at a 3.5 when I got pregnant with my son. Now there is a chance that you have developed Hashimotos after pregnancy, especially if you have family history of autoimmune. It's just a blood test, but you have to ask them to check your antibodies, Free T3 & T4, and not just your TSH. That is if you are concerned about it. There are TSH levels that need to be maintained per trimester, so I would definitely look at those too because it can cause miscarriage issues.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: Fingers crossed for you!
So my OB's nurse just called, basically ibuprofen for a few days, heat pad, all the normal stuff. If the nausea continues through lunch, they can get me some zofran.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: So happy your OBGYN's office contacted you! Good game plan to ameliorate some of the discomfort. Hope you feel well soon!
clementine / 795 posts
@skinnycow: oooh good luck tomorrow!!!
@Kaohinani: I hope Pililani knows something you don't (yet)!!
@Sams Mom: sorry to hear about your nausea, hope it gets better! Speaking of thyroids, I was on thyroid medication right before and during my last pregnancy (started out at 3.98) but not after that since my levels are "normal" (2.95 last fall). should I ask my dr about getting back on meds? I have a different dr since last time because I moved.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@starlitsky: The main symptoms I get when I need to raise my dose (in your case maybe get tested and back on meds) are: fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, and feeling blah/mild depression. If you're dealing with any of those it's worth it to get your levels checked.
I always tell people thyroid issues are one of the easiest and cheapest things to take care of. One pill in the morning and that's it. A lot of people don't know you can't take anything else with it (vitamins, other meds, food, anything but water within half an hour of taking it) for it to work the best that it can.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@starlitsky: Thank you, Starlit! I hope so as well. Otherwise, this is getting ridiculous.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Thank you for sharing all of that info. You are a wealth of knowledge! When I went to the PCM's the other day, I was ordered to go for a panel of fasting blood tests and TSH happens to be one. My last full panel TSH check was clear but with 2 autoimmune disorders, how fast I have piled on weight from Clomid, my age, and the fact I have 2 family members with Underactive Thyroid "issues;" I was advised for 6 month checks, especially if I am TTC.
Now I know who to come to if I have any questions with test results or if I end up with an issue with my Thyroid.
persimmon / 1141 posts
@paranundrum: That was so interesting to read! If you don't mind me asking, where are you currently living? I love reading about other cultures.
Longest, most grueling TWW ever. I think I have to push my POAS date to Monday 8/20. Based on temps, that will be 10dpo which means more waiting for me. I don't feel any symptoms at the moment except I constantly feel bloated but that might be because I've been eating a little dairy recently, which I had cut out for about a year or so. I have been taking notes daily, though, so will share those if I get a BFP. I am amazed and impressed at the discipline to not POAS given how far in the cycle some of you ladies are... love it! But fingers crossed for some BFP's... someone has to start a May 2019 board.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@SupernovaJ: I will change your POAS date.
It has been pretty rough, hasn't it?!?
As to having discipline for not POAS --
For me - I have been entirely too afraid to see another BFN to even consider testing early. I was bullied into testing by DH 2 mos ago and tested early last month because my Bestie was visiting and she wanted to see the results. Both ending poorly for me. I am determined not to "see" a negative result for cycle 33. . Of course, I don't know HOW that means I will POAS, but whatever... common sense doesn't count when one is TTC! 🤔
grapefruit / 4144 posts
*** Updated POAS list ***
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
SupernovaJ: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 20
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
September 2018 POAS
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Mrs. Toad: Sept 3
Best of luck to everyone this (& next) month!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: holy crap ovulation pain has ramped up in both ovaries! Today is O day as far as I can tell... so hopefully this is the downhill on the pain.
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