clementine / 811 posts
I just had a textbook OV on CD 14 by the looks of it. Consistent low temps for a week, then a positive OPK on CD 13 and a big temp rise today on CD 15. I don't think I have ever had such a clear chart. The other half of my cycle will probably be a mess after that kind of luck though...
@Sams Mom: Great news!
@yellowbeach: Not a nice surprise to come home to after a long day, I'm sure.
And good luck for tomorrow/today! (No idea what the time is over there.)
@megpie: Exciting! Fingers crossed!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: OK, I am an early riser so I'm just seeing your post now. I have been in the same situation. My husband did the [nearly] exact same thing when my daughter was little and I was at school (teaching my students with special needs.). He sent a text with a pic of DD and her tub of poo, reading: "Mommy, look what I did!". Little did I know, after a REALLY long day (which included aiding one student aide and the nurse in changing my CP student's adult diaper twice, cleaning another student's port, AND cleaning vomit from a nonverbal student who wasn't feeling well), I came home to her turd in the tub! I was FUMING!!!!! . I'm, normally, fairly calm (minus the anxiety issues. Lol) but I ripped him a new arse something fierce for being so inconsiderate. Well, let's just say he makes certain DS poops in the potty, not int the tub AND, the one time DS DID have an accident
, the hubby Cloroxed our tub to specifications.
. My point, maybe your hubby didn't consider what you went through that day (*Aren't you both physicians? Make him understand his mistake) OR, maybe he did not know how to clean it to the level you'd expect it. Also, my husband wanted to show me the crazy amount of poo (from an 18- mos-old) he had dealt with. As a mom, it was no biggie BUT for him, it was overwhelming (and a bit humorous... Guys ALWAYS find poop and penises funny for some unknown reason) and he wanted to share it with me. Unfortunately, he did it the wrong way, on a really bad day!
I had to get my feelings out to him, listen, and put myself in his shoes in order to move past being so pissed at him.
P.S. Always feel free to rant ... Someone out of all of us ladies can empathize, sympathize, or both!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: That is awesome news! I'm going to remain hopeful for you!
I am a day behind (or so) to you ...
I just got my positive [PEAK] OPK today (CBEAD) after a few days of negative OPKs, and LOW CBEAD readings. Hubby and I were following SMEP the best we could with his travel schedule but have been able to BE the last 3 days so I'm pretty "stoked" at the moment.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: you're nicer than me. What part of leaving a floater in the tub sounds like a good idea!? I'd drag him out of bed, ask him if he's taken his brain out to play with and left it on a random shelf, and hand him some bleach and rubber gloves; then go crawl into bed myself
pea / 7 posts
I've been following along, but held back on posting because I'm struggling this month. I think I'm 5 or 6 DPO and I'm really regretting not using OPKs to pinpoint ovulation. I thought I could skip them and try to be a little more zen this month but I think it back fired. I feel like I'm just in a holding pattern until the end of the year which is when DH and I agreed we'd go back to the RE, although I would go now if I could get him to agree.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Prospects for Aug POAS looking dimmer - HcG is STILL 9, so not negative yet. Going to call my RE and see what the plan is, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be "Let's recheck your HcG in another week."
pear / 1728 posts
@yellowbeach: Ugh, sorry What was it at the last check? Hopefully it's at least going down...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Emileecatherine: I'm sorry you are struggling. That is the worst feeling! I did the same (my cycles 17 - 21) as you thinking it would stress me out LESS; however, I found that the uncertainty of being able to pinpoint my exact LH rise and OV date was stressing me out significantly MORE!
. I figured less stress would yield a BFP since neither my OBGYN nor former RE could find anything else wrong. Cycle 22, I went back to using OPKs and temping and haven't looked back since.
How long are your usual cycles? On the positive side -- If they are shorter, then [at least] you only have a week or week and a half (tops) before either a BFP or AF and you may begin a new cycle, renewed and using OPKs.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@skinnycow: Yes - but the drop seems to be slowing each week, so the pessimist in me is worried it might still be positive next week. Either way, I have to wait another cycle (start of AF), but it's not even clear when that will be because I've been spotting/light flow since July 19. Basically, I have no idea what the hell is going on inside my uterus.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Awe, hun, I'm sorry. . It is significantly less than your last HCG numbers, correct? I'm hoping the RE gives you a better option than checking it in a week ... SO FRUSTRATING!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Just saw the post you wrote to skinnycow (with your HCG chart). It kinda answered my queries. I didn't go through the same experience with lingering HCG (* my levels plummeted over 2-1/2 weeks and I bled for 10 days then was given the OK to TTC) so I am a bit naive on this topic.
pea / 7 posts
@Kaohinani: usually 24-25 days but I don't typically ovulate until day 17-18 so there's really no way to get pregnant without something changing. I've been taking B-complex, vitamin C, and magnesium hoping it'll lengthen my luteral phase, but honestly it's what I tried before DD and the only thing that worked was clomid and an IUI. Just have to feel likeI'm in control of something. I'm just really frustrated with DH because he wants to wait and see what happens. I think I'd feel better if we at least met with the RE again to see what she said. If (when?) when this cycle is BFN, I might approach him about it again and frame it as gathering more info and not necessarily starting treatment.
@yellowbeach I'm so sorry you're having to still go through this I can't imagine how frustrating it is.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Emileecatherine: I have a friend who, after many years of trying, had pregnancy success (after 2 miscarriages and having had one live birth through IUI) using "Premama." She had infertility issues due to a short luteal phase and took prenatals, folic acid, magnesium, baby Aspirin, and a vitamin B-complex -- all to lengthen her cycle and increases her chances for a viable pregnancy. Just adding Premama (which is Myo-Inositol. It is a carbocyclic sugar and subset of b-vitamin that improves ovarian function and can reduce hyperandrogenism in humans) was all she needed to lengthen her cycle and aid in a successful "sticky" pregnancy. Now, I can not state that it worked for me as I also have short cycles (23-25/26 days without Clomid) BUT my problem is a short Follicular phase as my Luteal phase is always between 12 and 14 days; therefore, Myo-Inositol had very little effect on my cycle. It could, perhaps, be beneficial to yours while you wait to convince your husband to see the RE. Just a [hopefully helpful] suggestion. F'x
for you!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: @Kaohinani: were likely unfortunately taking another break from ttc. I'm having anxiety issues again and my husband rightly wants me to be well before we try and add to our family. I'm heartbroken and feel like my little isn't going to have a sibling but sometimes life just sucks I guess.
Just wanted to drop in and say good luck
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: o no! I hope you get to feeling better! I know that's the most important thing, but I'll miss you. I totally get the fear that your child will be an only and not by your choice. I'm hoping everything settles for you, and you get your baby. We will be here
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: I'll miss you ladies also.
you might get a wall post from me occasionally but I think I'm going to see if I can block seeing the Poas boards for the time being
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: it's under profile, customize boards I see on my front page
clementine / 828 posts
@Sams Mom: Great news.
@yellowbeach: That has to be rough.
@MamaBear87: I hope you feel better.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@MamaBear87: I completely understand where you are coming from. I absolutely "get" the feeling of ttc being overwhelming and I can empathize with anxiety as I suffer from Anxiety disorder and take alprazolam at the onset of panic attacks. I, also, ABSOLUTELY understand feeling that one's family is "not complete" and that emotion of failure as "you would be the cause for not 'giving' your child (children in my case) the opportunity to be a best friend, big sibling, and playmate to a special little someone." I have cried for days on end over those exact reasons. Know that you aren't alone.
Unfortunately, you will be greatly missed here. . I do hope that you drop in from time-to-time (if it isn't too difficult) and that we all see you on other boards. Best of luck, hun. *Hugs*
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Yours looks WAY different than mine... I don't believe I can do that (at least not from my phone, maybe from my tablet?). Do gold members have a different set up than regular "Classic" members?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Kaohinani: it's actually not that ttc is overwhelming. We've pretty much come to terms with a "whatever happens, happens" attitude. I'm just having random bouts of panic attacks and feeling depressed in between because they're happening again
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Thank you!
I'm thinking I may invest in becoming a gold member at some point. .
clementine / 811 posts
@yellowbeach: Oh no! Hopefully AF arrives before your next check.
@megpie: I'm so sorry.
@MamaBear87: Sorry to hear that, but I guess you have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, so to speak.
Wow, this board really is in dire need of some good news. Any volunteers?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: I feel like I'm failing as a board moderator here ... This board is dying! I've been trying to cheer it up a bit, but man, August is a sinking ship of despair here!
It is, in part, why I have not felt it appropriate to share ANY details of all that has been going on in my life ... I have figured, if all of the ladies here have been going through so much, they don't need to read me blather on about all the difficulties I've been having. I digress - I'm waiting for someone, ANYONE, to bring this board back to the lighthearted flow of the prior months and to bring back some supportive and interesting conversation (adorable puppy pics
, anyone?
). We can't ALL be stuck in a rut at the same time, right? #PositivityForAugust #BringBackThePOAS
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: It's not your fault, you have been doing great! Life just happens sometimes. Apparently to everyone at once at this particular moment...
I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I don't think you should hold back from sharing if you want to do it. Maybe someone gets some good advice from the following discussion, maybe someone gets new perspective on their own situation. We're in this together, no?
But puppy pics I can provide. SΓ€de (and her "enough with the photos, let's go" face) to the rescue!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: Thank you! I appreciate your response as it puts a lot into perspective. Sade is absolutely adorable and her eyes are insanely expressive. What kind of dog is she? I have an eight mos old Lab-pit mix (Luna) and a 5-yr-old Patterdale terrier (Pililani) who looks like a seal when her ears are back. . I'm also noticing that I believe that I have an affection for black-and-white canines.
nectarine / 2648 posts
On a bright note DD had a fun photo session this week that didnβt end in meltdown.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: OMG! She has absolutely STUNNING eyes ! Your DD is absolutely beautiful!!!! What gorgeous photos. Thank you for sharing.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
1) this is how we watch TV at my house? I guess? This is also the same night he went upstairs, dragged a chair to the cabinet, and came back with a toasted Pop tart on a paper towel; all by himself
2) my 2 year old acting like I'm murdering him because I'm trying to remove the 2T pajamas he's tried to live in, that he needs to let go.
3) him with his kitty Gulliver
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: He is so funny! (Gets his sense of humor from you, huh? ) What a cutie, too! What a big boy for TWO! Thank you for sharing.
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