grapefruit / 4144 posts
This past week, G was running in the house (after his sister, who should have known better). A BIG no-no. He tripped on the transition from the carpet to the hard wood flooring and bit his lip, bumped his cheek, and received a [lovely] black eye. He is on the mend. It looks like I beat him up. Ironically, for two days straight, he would not take off his devil horns
and kept calling himself, "Mama's bad boy."
. (I never call him a "bad boy" so IDK where he got that!
). Anyway, I couldn't resist taking a picture of "bad-boy G" in his glory beaming in his horns with his slightly battered visage.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: She is adorable! Look at those cheeks and beautiful blue eyes!!! Great pictures!
pear / 1728 posts
@Kaohinani: She has the chubbiest cheeks and I'll be so sad when they go away one day!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Puppies, babies, POAS pictures, quizzes, and ANY sort of good news makes this board so much more fun and uplifting during the TWW.
Incidentally, am I the only lady with brown-eyed children? Lol. (I have hazel eyes and hubby has nearly black eyes... both kids have dark brown). Everyone who has shared, thus far, has babies with gorgeous blue eyes!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: He barely fussed even as we were cleaning all the blood from his mouth. He threw a tantrum for a Dole fruit pop afterwards, though! . #PrioritiesAt3YearsOld
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: Anytime!
SΓ€de is a three and a half year old Australian cattle dog. She is a light in my life and a pain in my backside.
Your pups are cute! Love the names too.
And "Mama's bad boy" lol!
@Yellowbeach: Adorable! Love the eyes and the curls. The photographer has done a great job capturing her beautiful smile too.
@Sams mom: Great pics and descriptions. He seems like a lovely little handful.
@Skinnycow: Such a sweet girl!
Everyone has such cute kids. Can't wait to have my own. My pup is pretty cool too tough, I can live with that for now.
I just had an extra 50 min break at work. The power went out from the whole building and we just sat here twiddling thumbs until it came back.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: She is adorable! I just love her curls too (as always, this pin straight haired girl has always wanted curls)
@skinnycow: Those chunky cheeks are just too cute, I love the denim romper too
@Kaohinani: Ha, I can see my son wearing devil horns. The funny thing with the eyes is I have hazel eyes, but my sisters, dad, and his whole family have light blue eyes. My mom has grey eyes, and her family has hazel to deep blue eyes; and my husband has bright lighter blue eyes... So my son had pretty high odds of getting them.
@paranundrum: She is a cutie! My great uncle used aussies and border collies for his cattle dogs, so I get a little nostalgic when I see one. And yes! He is a handful and his saving grace is he's cute... and I'm pretty attached to him.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: I thought she was an Australian cattle dog but I didn't want to assume. (I've made assumptions before and have come out of doing so looking like an arse. ). I'm glad you have a free moment. We all need those! The one good thing about having my own business and [now] teaching on the side is that, when I'm not busy with EVERYTHING else in life outside of work (eg. Family, grading papers, drawing up fitness plans for clients, doctor appts, BD-ing, etc), I have a lot of freedom and time to "duck out and take a few minutes" to check email, texts, and Hellobee. It is nice. After the last couple of weeks being so rough, I even took a few days off from training clients and I referred one very difficult "Bridezilla" client to another trainer I know of who may take her bologna. I feel as though (for now) a tiny bit of the weight that has been laden on me has been lifted.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Genetics are amazing! While I was starting my M.Ed, I was working at Xavier University (XULA) with a professor of Genetics and began as a research assistant. I used to proctor a few of his classes (punnett squares and lessons on mitochondrial DNA, anyone? ). Anyway, eye color and hair color have such a spectrum of diverse variations within an individual (both which is dominant and recessive) versus what is expressed. Also, color variants can change or modify with age (or with other internal or external catalysts at play). It is quite amazing.
Going back to your blue-eyed guy - He is so flipping cute and looks like "Mr. Personality," that I just want to snuggle him to bits!
*** Edit - see above : I just reread that and it sounds a little creepy that I want to snuggle someone else's kid. Lol. It, absolutely, wasn't intended that way. I hope you get what I meant.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: Hell, I get it. I want to cuddle all the babies... The guys I used to work with would make fun of me for petting every single dog that came through the store... Uhhh it's a lot more acceptable to pet someones dog than talk to and pick up their baby... And I want to do both...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Thank you for understanding. Puppies, babies, kittens, and the like ... basically soft, chubby, round, snuggly, living organisms with large eyes that say, "I'm adorable!" get me every time. . It's biological, but my "social awkwardness" takes it to the next step and I say stupid things like, "I could snuggle X to bits" or "I could just nibble X's cheeks off."
. It's like the cute invades my brain and I have no control over the stupid that escapes my lips (or my fingers, as I type!).
I think I just killed this board again with my bumbling detour ... someone, bring it back, STAT!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
The residual Clomid hot flashes are amping up on the new round of Clomid. I was literally flipping off the east side of my house last night (my OB lives down the road from me) between the insomnia and the flashes.
If this is a peak into menopause, I don't want it.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: . I hear you!!! I didn't get any flashes/flushes THIS cycle BUT I had to buy new pants! I hate Clomid. I had lost 5 of the 10 lbs I put on after my last 2 months on Clomid and NOW, I'm up 7 lbs!!! In Feb/Mar, I had a 4-pack, now, I look like I drink a 6-pack a night!
. That and my breasts went up a size from a natural 34-DD (E) to a painful round DDD (F). They are swollen and look fake! I'm OV-ing today and my ovaries are the size of small oranges. Very tender, too! I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass" and, hopefully, I'll get baby #3 from all of the discomfort. I'm trying to keep positive through everything.
* PLEASE, no one become offended over my belly pic (with partial side breast) ... I'm just using it to illustrate the roundness and swelling (Clomid "poof?") caused by my engorged ovaries and 12-lb water weight gain. You can SEE where the bloat starts under my ribs to my pelvic bone. It is terrible.
clementine / 828 posts
@Kaohinani: My kids both have brown eyes. My husband has blue eyes and I have dark brown eyes. Otherwise the kids look just like him, My dog has one brown eye and one blue eye.
I actually had a great vacation, but coming back to work was hard. I also heard news about a death right after hearing some bad work related news. Fortunately it is not someone very close, but still surprising and sad.
I got to hold my 11 day old niece.
We took my kids to a waterpark, and my almost 5 year old loved all the big slides. We got to see a lot of family (my husband's side), and watching my kids interact with their cousins was great. The big kids were so gentle with the littler ones.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@mdf106: I'm glad to read you had a spectacular vacation! It all sounds like so much fun and as though it was an all-around amazing trip even with the sad news.
pear / 1728 posts
TMI but I have a bunch of creamy CM today. Is that normal? I think I'm about 4 dpo but this has me questioning whether I actually ovulated when I think I did...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Yes and no. Bouts of "fertile" cm can be seen randomly throughout one's cycle even after OV due to fluctuations in both Estrogen and Progesterone. However, if you are uncertain of your OV date or, if your body geared up to OV with a LH surge but never did OV, you will get a secondary surge and may OV later on WHICH could ALSO explain your creamy cm. The best response I can give is: Get busy tonight, tomorrow, skip a day, then do it again on Saturday to cover all bases.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 21
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Best of luck to everyone this month!
pear / 1728 posts
@Kaohinani: Thanks! But, ugh, as terrible as it sounds I don't want to BD anymore after doing it so much last week. I'll power through, though!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: I completely understand. While I [normally] enjoy being intimate with my hubby, we have been BD-ing every other day (except when he was gone on business) since the end of my AF (even while I took my Clomid) and we began BD-ing daily 4 days ago. Poor guy feels used and, with my sore ovaries and bloated belly, I'm beyond OVER the "sexy time" part of ttc. . I'm beyond excited that with SMEP, we get to skip tomorrow and go again on Friday!
Keep on soldiering through.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: We're trying SMEP again this month, hopefully it takes because sex whenever and as frequent or infrequent as we want sounds amazing.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I adore the SMEP method because it is structured and doesn't make my hubby and me feel either over- or underwhelmed with its expectations for BD-ing. Of course, when I'm on Clomid, my body feels like the body-snatchers have kid napped it so I'm not nearly as enthusiastic as I typically am for intercourse.
FX'd for you this cycle using SMEP!
clementine / 973 posts
Yβallβs kiddos and pups are SO cute! I have to post one of my little guy! He turns 2 tomorrow! οΈ Positive OPK today!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Jessiemuller88, he is so cute! The look of determination and satisfaction on his face as he climbs is priceless! . That and he has the cutest chubby little wrists!
clementine / 973 posts
@Kaohinani: thank you. The look was definitely satisfaction as he climbed UP the slide. I just asked him to not. As you can tell, he totally listens to me!
Your son is SO cute in his devil horns! Hilarious heβs calling himself that! The things kiddos pick up blows my mind!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Jessiemuller88: aww, happy early birthday to him! He's a toe hear! I blame my husband's genetics for our son not being ultra blonde like me and my sisters.
clementine / 973 posts
@yellowbeach: thank you! Your little girl is precious! I would have to frame every single one of those photos from her shoot!
@Sams Mom: thank you! 2 years have flown by! Your son is so cute with his baby blues and dark blonde hair. My husbands was white when he was a baby, and mine was too. Now we are both dirty blonde, so Iβm sure thatβs how Nate will end up too!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ok so Iβve never really POAS to track ovulation before - but this seems close to positive, no?
clementine / 973 posts
@yellowbeach: very close, if not positive already.
This was my positive from today.
persimmon / 1141 posts
Hi mamas and mamas to be!! Itβs good to be back. Being a part of a POAS thread is by far one of the best things about TTC. I have two kids and for each when we were TTC, I was super active on the HB boards.
Cycle Day: 13
TTC Cycle: 1
Ovulation Date: August 8 (possibly today)
POAS Date: August 18 (Iβve had a positive at 10dpo)
Baby #: 3
Anything exciting you'd like to share:
Not really exciting stuff but just some general background info. We conceived on the first cycle with our first two pregnanciesβrealize we are very fortunate regarding this. However, very prepared that it might not happen as easily this time given my older age. We have been on the fence about baby #3 but decided to just go for it. If it doesnβt happen after a few months of active trying, weβll take that as a sign from God and close this chapter. In general, we are open to whatever happens and feel very blessed with the two we have.
Baby dust to all, especially the mamas who have been on this journey for some time. I pray that this is the month for you!!
ETA: Whoa! So many baby#3 moms on this thread! Good to know Iβm not the only crazy one...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: I'm a bit late to respond but I agree with Jessiemuller88 and Sam's Mom.
@jessiemuller88: That is a crazy-positive OPK! .
@SUPERNOVAJ: Welcome to the August 2018 POAS board! I'm also one of the crazies trying for my #3 who had the luck of becoming pregnant with #1 and 2 on the first go. . Best of luck to you this cycle, and I truly hope you receive your BFP
this time around.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
SupernovaJ: Aug 18
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 21
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Best of luck to everyone this month!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Well, I've come to the conclusion that my ovum are sperm-shy and need to see a therapist in order to learn how to "play well with others." #Cycle33HopingFor#3 #ShyOvumHideNSeek #AntisocialEggs
clementine / 811 posts
@Jessiemuller88: So cute! I bet it was twice as fun for him after you told him not to do it.
@SupernovaJ: Welcome and the best of luck to you!
@Kaohinani: I'm pretty sure there is at least one ovum therapist in this crazy world. Good luck finding their number!
I'm 3 DPO today, FF confirmed my OV date this morning. Luckily no symptoms to obsess over yet.
persimmon / 1095 posts
@SupernovaJ: Welcome. I'm another of the crazies trying for my third.
My first took a few months, my second on the first month, but it will be at least 2 months for my third. I started late last night. April wasn't the best due date, as it was my DHs birthday. Hopefully, a May due date will work.
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