persimmon / 1168 posts
@Kaohinani: @paranundrum: thanks for the encouragement ladies!! I’m 10dpo at least according to Clue. I don’t track OV really. I’m expecting AF in 4 days so it’s still possibly but I’m not feeling hopeful, for me at least. Somebody on this board has to get their BFP this month though!!!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@magnolia: 10 dpo is fairly early. You are, absolutely, still in the BFP fray! . I know, I keep waiting to see a beautiful POS HPT up here! I figure that if it can't be mine, I would love to see one of you wonderful (and deserving) ladies get yours!!! It is so exciting to see!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
I realized that I should probably put this up since I've gone a few pages without posting it ... Also have to update my POAS date:
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
SupernovaJ: Aug 18
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 20
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Best of luck to everyone this month!
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: You're welcome! If I ever fail to find something on Google using keywords, I just type in the whole question like an idiot and usually someone, somewhere has asked the exact same question. I'm pretty sure that's how I found Hellobee...
@magnolia: That's still early. I'm not ready to give up hope yet.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Jessiemuller88: After I finally had a conscious husband, my toddler went into cockblock mode. He was asleep but he kept kicking my husband and then climbed over me and got in between us. I might have yelled at my husband about why we use Fruit Snacks and Thomas the Train to distract him, and he knows we can never have sex at night.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: It looks like you O'd on CD14 to me also. Even having an LH surge late at night on CD13 could still put you at O'ing CD14.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Awesome! Thank you! New POAS date is now the 20th, then.
. Puts me one day closer to testing and I'm absolutely hoping for a BFP before then as temps have been awesome (* up 1.22 degs in the last few days!). I really appreciate you looking over my data.
clementine / 828 posts
FF just tentatively confirmed ovulation on CD 13 (today is CD 19). At least it is a short TWW. My chart is a mess this cycle. It is actually quite similar to the cycle I conceived DS2, so hopefully that will be good luck.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
I finally started temping again earlier this week, and I forgot how high the dang clomid shifts my temps up; at least the pattern is similar.
One more data point to torture myself over
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@mdf106: Yay! A "shorter" TWW! . Hoping the messy chart lends itself to a gorgeous BFP for you!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I know! My BBTs went from low/mid 97s to 98.22 in no time! Clomid really raises one's core body temp and affects BBT! . Welcome back to the wacky temp train ... it's a loopy ride!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Anyone have any August vacations planned?
I'm headed to NY on Thursday this week to attend my oldest niece's bat mitzvah, and then head off to Vegas on my own the 26-30. Staying at Paris Hotel.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: We took all of our vacations, perse. It also doesn't help that my daughter began school on the 1st. However, yours sounds absolutely spectacular! Bar and bat mitzvahs are so much fun (especially when they for someone significant!) and I have always had a blast in NY whether it be at old stomping grounds in the city, Syracuse, Hempstead, Addison, or towards Ft. Drum. I know nothing of visiting Las Vegas but I'm insanely jealous. . I expect you will have a blast! Have a great time!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ugh - I am going to officially rescind my name from this month as trying... I did some math last night and even if my HcG is zero on Tuesday when they recheck it, I'm out of town the last two weeks of August and won't physically be here to do a frozen transfer. I'm still here cheerleading for the rest of you though!
clementine / 973 posts
@yellowbeach: I’m sorry! Waiting to try is just as hard as the 2ww, if not worse. I hope your HCG is zero next week!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Sorry to read your announcement. . I've been hoping you'd reach a zero HCG soon and would get a BFP for a May baby.
. Keeping you in my thoughts. Good luck next cycle and enjoy your trips!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: not so much a vacation as a long weekend in late August or September to a mine for diamonds state park, and a dinner ride on a lite rail train for our train obsessed toddler.
As to the not being in town to do a FET, that sucks! Hopefully everything lines up for you next month!
pear / 1728 posts
My temp is up and down this month... Ava thinks I ovulated CD17 but I got a positive OPK CD10 🤷♀️
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Hmmm. That is a headscratcher. 🤔 Did you gear up to OV with a surge on CD 10 but never actually OV until CD 17? Were you BD-ing around CD 17 at all? Could any other factors play into the variable temps and the proposed CD 17 OV date? #confusing
pear / 1728 posts
@Kaohinani: I thought of that also but I continued taking OPKs after CD10 and nothing was close to positive! I was a little sick the night of the first temp spike (CD15) and I had wine the night of the second spike (CD19) so maybe those are messing with my chart...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Those two things could absolutely affect your BBT. I would go with your POS OPK and assume that you OVed either CD 11 or 12 (depending how long your LH surge lasted and when it began). . F'x crossed you hit the mark this month and those were simply wayward temps.
clementine / 973 posts
I’m roughly 3 or 4dpo and have had AF like cramps all day. I know there is no way it’s related to pregnancy this early, but wondering if any of you ladies cramp this soon after O.
cherry / 119 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I had AF-like cramps since ovulation, with a day or two where I felt absolutely nothing. I'm 10-12 dpo today and don't feel anything anymore.
I've had it somewhat in past cycles too.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Yes. Absolutely. I have been cramping since 3 dpo and I'm 5 dpo today. They are not serious AF-like cramps (* mine get to be nearly debilitating at times) but they are uncomfortable enough that I take notice. More progesterone-centric goodness: I'm crazy-bloated AND my usual post OV nipple pain is nonexistent; however, my breasts are huge (blaming the Clomid on this) and are getting tender on the sides running to under my armpits which is a weird sensation. The TWW is lovely. *sarcastic eye roll* . I hope my response was even remotely helpful.
clementine / 973 posts
@MrsDynamiteGal: @Kaohinani: thanks ladies! Glad to know it’s a normal 2ww symptom. I took Femara this cycle and my ovaries felt like they were going to burst for a few days, now I’m cramping, so I was a bit worried it was related to the meds!
clementine / 973 posts
@Kaohinani: definitely helpful. I’m bloated too. When I was pregnant with DS my breasts being tender on the sides and near armpits was my first symptom! FX for you!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Oh, I hope so! Exhaustion and a bit of nausea over a breakfast were my first hints for my son (9 dpo) and nausea, cravings, and a missed AF were it for my daughter (closer to 6 weeks because I refused to believe I could be ). I ALWAYS get "electric" nipples by now but nothing yet (weird) -- just side and armpit tenderness which began this morning. I'm not getting my hopes up though because 5 dpo is (according to most scholarly literature) the absolute earliest one could implant if one were ABSOLUTELY certain of OV, so most of my symptoms are all due to Clomid and hormonal shifts. (Bummer.) The earliest I "should" test would be 9 dpo. If this keeps up ... I just may!
. F'x for us both and I'm hoping your cramps are actually working towards something good for you.
P.S. Also, I have noticed enlarged ovaries and cramping or slight pressure MORE the cycles that I am on Clomid. I believe it could be because fertility medications make you OV "harder" (aka more follicles produced and a more productive OV). While Femara has less side effects, I am pretty sure the effects on OV are similar.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
OK, ladies,
I don't expect many responses for this as I know you all are so busy but I do know some of you have some experience with this AND some of you may have occupations that may afford you insights to my inquiry ... So here goes:
I have been taking Baby Aspirin this cycle for two reasons; (1) I have May-Thurners and was advised to take it for circulatory (and clotting) issues, and (2) my OBGYN stated it "wouldn't hurt" to add it to my medication and vitamin regimen in order to conceive. I am noting; however, this month, that I am bruising like an over-ripe peach left out in the sun! I assume it is a platelet issue that should be brought to either my PCM's or OBGYN's attn. I would like to know:
(1) If this is a serious issue (* I am getting bruises EVERYWHERE ... from my son, husband, the dogs, bumping into things, lifting weights, etc.)
(2) If this could hinder my fertility further ... thining the uterine lining more than Clomid does.
(3) Has anyone else gone through this?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: unfortunately I have no insight on any front. I have looked into taking a baby aspirin to aid conception/implantation; but haven't got any further than that.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
I also have an odd question, I should know this for how long I've been using OPKs, but my control was pretty faint, and the test line was maybe 75% of the control darkness. Is the light control from not having a long enough hold? This is kind of early for me to be getting close to positive results.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: Baby aspirin shouldn't do this. But definitely worth bringing to the attention of your doc to see if it warrants further investigation. Re: effect on fertility, depends on what's causing it.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: @Yellowbeach: Thank you. I will bring it to the attention of my PCM tomorrow during my appointment. I'm hoping it is nothing. I have always bruised "fairly" easily but never from a shoulder massage or from play wrestling with a 45-lb puppy!
@Sams Mom: This happened to me the cycle before my last (twice) so I got in touch with Smilereader (* the OPKs that I use) and they gave me 4, YES FOUR, instances in which this may happen with ANY OPK. Here goes:
(1) The OPK isn't as sensitive as others in the package which can happen even with the best manufacturing practices. (A bad batch or a few in a batch ...)
(2) The urine has been diluted with other liquids or has not been held for a 2+ hour hold.
(3) Urine has (somehow) penetrated and moistened under the test filament window (past the "do not submerge" line) and results do not appear as bold as they should.
(4) LH levels aren't high or limited urine was used and the strip misread levels AND the dye used for the control was used sparsely to save on costs so both lines appear anemic.
I hope the reply I received from my OPK company helps you as well. I'd just assume both lines should be far darker and test again soon. Also - how many dpo are you?
clementine / 811 posts
I have fallen way behind, I wasn't online much during the weekend. I took my little sister to a quick day trip to Helsinki. It was her first time abroad and her first time on a ship. It was fun.
@Kaohinani: I hope you get answers about the bruises tomorrow. I have not used baby aspirin, so I'm no help.
I have a lot of bruises too, but it's just because my pup plays a bit rough sometimes. Nothing to do with any medications.
@Sams Mom: I have gotten faint control lines too. I think it was when I ran out of OPKs during testing period and had to take new ones from another batch, they looked lighter than the old ones. (1) from Kaohinani's list I think.
I'm 7 dpo today, half way there! The second of the TWW is always worse for me, I'm usually relatively relaxed until 9 or 10 dpo.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: Your trip sounds lovely! We went to see a movie on Saturday (husband, kids, and myself) then out to eat. It was nice but not nearly as exciting as day trip abroad.
Today is 6 dpo for me and I'm excited that the TWW is about 1/2 done! Testing for a BFP can begin any time between 9 and 14 dpo ... Depending on how bold and sure of myself I am this cycle! . How have you been?
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: The trip was nice, just short enough for her not to get overwhelmed. The weather was great too, not too hot but very sunny. We walked around a lot, my feet are still a bit sore. I think we covered about 20km, that's about 12 miles?
A movie and a nice meal out of the house sounds great too! What did you see?
My SO and I had a romantic date night yesterday - a movie and grocery shopping.
I could potentially start testing on Wednesday or Thursday, but I don't think I will. I really don't like seeing negative tests. I don't remember when I last took a test, I think it has been a few years. AF usually starts before I get the chance to or I just have a feeling there's no point.
Right now I don't have any symptoms to mention. Maybe a bit bloated, but nothing else.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: The kids wanted to see "The Incredibles 2" which DH and I gladly went along with since happy, content children make for VERY happy parents. . It has been years since I've seen anything Rated R at a movie theater. It has also been years since I have attended without being flanked by children ... It is fine though as I, not so secretly, enjoy most children's films.
I've been "test shy" the last few months because I'm so tired (and frustrated) of seeing BFNs. My best friend urged me to take one early last month and I was crushed. I'm going to have to see if I feel "lucky " this cycle: otherwise, I will wait until the 20th. I HAVE to test because I use Clomid. It is mandatory I do so before I call my OBGYN for a Clomid consult for another month ... THEN they urine and blood test me there (which seems redundant.) before filling a prescription for my next cycle.
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: We're going to see "The Incredibles" soon too, I loved the first one. We enjoy watching children's films as well, we always laugh about the fact that we probably own considerably more kid's movies DVDs than some families that actually have children...
It's different to see them as an adult though. I went to see "The Croods" and came out of the cinema bawling my eyes out. I'm still scarred, it was so tragic! The kids around me didn't seem bothered.
I will probably wait until the 20th too. Most likely I'll start spotting before that and don't need to test at all.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@paranundrum: That is wonderful! My husband and I were the same before DD was born! Just be warned when viewing "The Incredibles 2," if you have photosensitive migraines or have seizure disorder (as I do), you may wish to look away during the "hypno" scenes as they may induce severe migraines or seizures. It is actually stated at the start of the movie. I spent a small portion of the movie covering my eyes.
Another woman near us was doing the same and commented at the end that it was because those sequences were making her nauseous. I'm glad there was an advisory with the movie. I will state it was a really good movie regardless and, absolutely, worth the brief time I had to shield my eyes.
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