Hellobee Boards


August POAS

  1. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @Ajsmommy: Good luck!

    @JennyLayneAZ: Congrats! Lol, my DH said the same thing.

  2. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Digital always convinces men

  3. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @BandDmommy: yeah we already talked about it. I'm buying one on my lunch break. He said "well, how reliable is that test" because back in July I accidently took a blue dye test that smeared and looked positive but was not. I told him this one is very reliable, but ok I'll buy a digital.

  4. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @catlady: thank you!

  5. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: They are very reliable.

  6. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: congrats!!!

  7. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: AAhhhhhhhh!!!!! I am so unbelievably happy for you!! My cycle buddy is leaving me and I couldn't be more thrilled! Congrats girl!!!

  8. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @WinterBee: thank you! I wish you were coming with me! So much to you I hope you get your BFP soon!
    @TrailRunner: Thank you!

    OK so I sent my husband the statistics from FRER on them being over 99% accurate and now he believes it

    How am I supposed to work today?! Why didn't I wait until tonight to test? LOL

  9. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Yay!!! Congrats!

  10. akcoffeebean

    cherry / 204 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: congratulations! How exciting. My husband needed to see the digital after the frer. I didn't get a yes on the digital until a day or two after the positive on the frer though.

  11. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    Well, it looks like I O'd really late this month.... CD 23.... so my new POAS date will be the very end of August or the first of September.

    I started taking b complex this month to help with spotting and lengthen my LP, so maybe that's why I O'd so late? I guess next cycle I'll try taking it after O...

  12. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @csross217: Thank you! Good luck to you!
    @akcoffeebean: thank you!

    OK so I just bought a clear blue with the weeks indicator and it says 3+! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

  13. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: congrats!

  14. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: congrats!

  15. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @illumina: @BandDmommy: thank you!

  16. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I bet your first test the pregnancy line must have been darker than the control. That always confused my husband.

  17. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    August POAS

    MrsSpoon; Rinna9; Mrs. Lemon-Lime; MrsRoo; jh524; MrsChristmas; Cwhite, Catlady, JennyLayneAZ
    August has been a lucky month!

    8/8 - Winterbee; ModerndayJibarita
    8/9 - GotKimchi
    ------- -----
    8/23 - Fly.over.me
    8/25 - Miss Flamingo
    8/26 - TrailRunner
    8/28 - AjsMommy
    8/31 - Jstalter
    TBA- CSRoss217

    September POAS


  18. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @Ajsmommy: good luck! Test again soon;)
    @JennyLayneAZ: Congrats!! Excited to hear you got your :bfp:!!!!! Yay!!
    @WinterBee: hope things get figured out soon! It sucks not knowing!! Good luck
    @csross217: fingers crossed for you lady

  19. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    Congrats for the new BFPs!! Such a good month here.

    I'm in my fertile period (maybe? I'm using OPKs and not seeing anything but I'm a few days before I would normally ovulate) and feeling really, really discouraged. My husband can't seem to get it together... the slightest thing just shuts down any attempt at baby making, he is super grumpy today, apparently not feeling well, and I feel like I am never going to get pregnant again and that makes the CP hurt even worse. Ugh. I'm sorry for being negative -- I just wish this whole process was over. It was supposed to be a fun thing and I can't seem to snap us into that.

  20. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @jh524: Thanks! I do know that I'm not pregnant, just waiting for AF to show up.. one of these days haha. I did read that you can still ovulate if you 'skip' a period, so who knows, maybe I did O this month. i'll know in time.

  21. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MrsDragon: Ahh, sorry you're going through a rough patch, I know how hard it can be at times. Try doing something nice for yourself, or both of you to take the focus somewhere else for a bit. Good luck with the OPKs too, I've never used them. Sending you good vibes!

  22. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: yay!!!' Congrats!!!!

  23. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @WinterBee: good advice. @MrsDragon: I'm so sorry. I know it can be very stressful and frustrating.

  24. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @MrsDragon: aww. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. It can be a very tiresome process and very stressful. What OPKs do you use? Does DH shut down when he knows that you are DTD during fertile times, or is it just in general?

  25. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm am so sorry your feeling this way! Hugs!! I really hope things get better for you. I know it can be so stressful. Try to focus on the positives. It's so easy to just see the negative but we're here for you and it will happen for you girl! Keep your chin up
    And I'm sorry your update wasn't caught up sooner!
    @WinterBee: ooh I didn't know that! good luck & look forward to your future update!

  26. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    August POAS
    MrsSpoon; Rinna9; Mrs. Lemon-Lime; MrsRoo; jh524; MrsChristmas; Cwhite, Catlady, JennyLayneAZ

    8/8 - ModerndayJibarita
    8/9 - GotKimchi
    ------- -----
    8/23 - Fly.over.me
    8/25 - Miss Flamingo
    8/26 - TrailRunner
    8/28 - AjsMommy
    8/31 - Jstalter
    TBA- MrsDragon; CSRoss217; Winterbee;

    September POAS


  27. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Trailrunner I'm just using cheap Wondfos (they may even be Wondfo knockoffs) -- I got them free in a set of pregnancy tests so figured why not. Still charting and watching for CM. As for my husband, he's just... not there. I don't know. He's been working a lot and when he's home there's this cloud of negativity and exhaustion a lot of the time.

    This month he was like "I think the only way you're going to feel less hurt about losing a pregnancy is to get pregnant again," told me he felt like it was good to try again and that we should kind of rip the bandaid off or it would get worse -- and I mostly agree -- and then nothing. Asked if I would start charting a few months ago -- and then getting him to actually have sex with me feels like pulling teeth. I feel like I'm doing all of this prep work, putting the effort in, but I cannot impregnate myself.

    There's just so much pressure and building resentment and I can't see my way out of it. I told him yesterday that I just want to stop, but got a "you're giving up?!" spiel. I'm probably making it sound worse than it is, but today I just feel awful.

  28. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    AND we have houseguests right now, which he insisted we would work around, but nope. Ugh.

  29. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @MrsDragon: oh girl I'm sorry! Just go grab the man and say we're doing it! put a little pep in his peep if ya know what I mean lol (I don't know where that came from)
    Good luck girl!!!! Go get him

  30. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    Hah, @JH524! It feels like we are on a way to taking a break from TTC. Sucks but maybe it'll be good in the long run.

  31. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated with my body this cycle (again). I am CD 13, typically ovulate right on day 14, with 3 days of EWCM preceding. So far I've had no EWCM. I had two days of "barely watery", today it seems to be creamy/sticky again. I've been taking OPKs twice a day (1 pm and 7pm). Yesterday my 1pm looked almost positive. But that's it.
    I'm pretty sure I ate gluten (I have celiac disease) when I was our at a restaurant on Tuesday. I'm hopeful that maybe I will just ovulate late as a result, rather than not at all.

  32. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @Silva: good luck!! Hope you hit your O day perfectly!!!

  33. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    Omg...am I seeing things?

  34. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @TrailRunner: I see it!!! Congrats!!!

  35. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @TrailRunner: !

  36. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    Holy moly!! I just took my last digital and it's

  37. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @TrailRunner: Holy moly you're totally preggo!!!! YAY!! Congrats girl!!

  38. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @TrailRunner: Ohhhh myyy! I'm so happy for you girl, I got so excited with your update! Congratttsss!!!

  39. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @TrailRunner: YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!

  40. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @jh524: @WinterBee: @jstalter: thanks!! I still can't believe it and I got like no sleep last night bc I was so excited! I have had AF cramps (I get them in my lower back) so I figured I was completely out. I took a test just bc I have so many and when I walked back to throw it away I screamed when I saw the second line. Haha. I called my DH at work last night screaming. He's so cute...he has already tried to tell me my "new running restrictions". Anyways, hoping this is a sticky baby, but if not I'm still so pumped knowing that I got pregnant without intervention. Whoo hoo!

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