Hellobee Boards


August POAS

  1. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I'm a little late, we were on vacation the first part of the month. I'm also not going to be testing in August, my cycle last month was weirdly long and I think I'm not due to test until September 6 or so? I'm actually not totally sure because my last cycle was a bit screwy and its kind of unclear when CD1 was...

    Cycle Day: I think I'm on day 5
    TTC Cycle #: 2
    Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulation is predicted for around the 23 of August, with testing beginning on September 6.
    Baby #: 2
    Your plan this month:
    I have celiac disease, and whenever I accidentally eat gluten my cycle gets really f-d up. Which is what happened last month. I'm using OPKs now, which I never have used before. Anyone have any tips for using them?

  2. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts


    : MrsDragon; MrsSpoon; Rinna9; Mrs. Lemon-Lime; MrsRoo; jh524; MrsChristmas

    August has been a lucky month so
    far!! Good luck and let's keep the coming in!!!

    8/4 - Mrs.Dragon
    8/8 - Winterbee; JennyLayneAZ; ModerndayJibarita
    8/9 - GotKimchi; Rinna9
    8/11 - MrsRoo
    8/12 - JH524
    8/14 - MrsChickPea
    8/16 - MrsChristmas; CWhite
    8/17 - Illumina
    8/18 - Catlady
    8/25 - Miss Flamingo
    8/26 - MrsSpoon; CSRoss217; TrailRunner
    8/28 - AjsMommy
    8/31 - Catomdoo; Jstalter

    September POAS

    9/06 - Silva

  3. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @WinterBee: I know right?! Good luck to you too!

  4. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    10DPO and a BFN for me I guess I'm not out until AF shows but not very hopeful again this month. I used a FRER so if I was pregnant it probably would have caught it 4 days before AF right? I did have a shooting sharp pain very deep down in that region late last night that only lasted briefly and am now having terrible lower back pain

  5. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @mrschickpea: Not out yet! Test again in a couple days!

  6. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @mrschickpea: I would count yourself out just yet! Sometimes it just doesn't show up that early!

  7. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @mrschickpea: I never have gotten a bfp before 14 dpo. I tested with frer's. good luck! Re test in a few days or if it we're me, every other day now, so 12dpo and 14 dpo. I like to Pee on sticks though'

  8. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @WinterBee: @MrsRoo: @jh524: Thanks ladies I know it was a bit early. I would rather test on the day AF is due but my Endo keeps reminding me to test ASAP and not wait for med purposes. It makes it hard to see the for the past 5 months

  9. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @mrschickpea: Just as PP's said, don't count yourself out yet!

  10. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    FF originally gave me dotted crosshairs over a week ago, but I'm 99% sure I O'd yesterday. I really hope so, because we timed BD really well this week! I'll still be POAS around the end of August, so we'll see....

  11. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @csross217: good luck!!!!!

  12. CWhite

    pea / 16 posts

    So I got my BFP this morning!!!!

  13. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @CWhite: Congratulations!

  14. rinna9

    pea / 18 posts

    @cwhite congratulations!!!

  15. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @CWhite: CONGRATS!!!!!

  16. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    August POAS

    : MrsDragon; MrsSpoon; Rinna9; Mrs. Lemon-Lime; MrsRoo; jh524; MrsChristmas; Cwhite

    August has been a lucky month so
    far!! Good luck ladies !!

    8/8 - Winterbee; JennyLayneAZ; ModerndayJibarita
    8/9 - GotKimchi
    8/14 - MrsChickPea
    8/17 - Illumina
    8/18 - Catlady
    8/25 - Miss Flamingo
    8/26 - CSRoss217; TrailRunner
    8/28 - AjsMommy
    8/31 - Catomdoo; Jstalter
    September POAS

    9/06 - Silva

  17. akcoffeebean

    cherry / 204 posts

    @CWhite: congratulations!!

  18. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @CWhite: Congrats!!

    I tested yesterday morning to ease my mind about having some drinks, BFN. I don't 'feel pregnant', I think I'm just having a really weird cycle, I'm on CD45... uughhh.

  19. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @CWhite: Congrats!!!

  20. CWhite

    pea / 16 posts

    Thank you!!! Hope everyone else gets their BFPs soon too!

  21. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @mrschickpea: I def understand how much of a bummer it can be to keep seeing . Keeping my fingers crossed that it was just too early and you get your soon!

    @CWhite: congrats!! Such a great month so far!

  22. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Ok so we just pulled the goalie!
    Not exactly my fertile window according to Glow, but I'll take it! I leave Sunday and will miss my September fertile window I think.

  23. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Silva I'm there with you to POAS in September (assuming I ovulate on time again following a chemical pregnancy? No idea). Hopefully I'll be in the TWW in August. Feeling super anxious about trying again, but I feel like not trying will be worse. And I am so psyched to see all of these positives in August! I hope the good luck keeps coming.

  24. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MrsDragon: Goodluck! sending positive vibes!

  25. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    @MrsDragon: I just wanted to say I had a CP during the June POAS and for July POAS I ovulated at my usual time and got a BFP, 9 weeks now From what I read a lot of your progesterone/hormone levels are still elevated and it can help make you 'extra fertile'.

  26. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @ksnow My husband did some reading and came to similar conclusions but I don't want to get too excited.

  27. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    CD42. Haven't tested yet. I don't feel pregnant either @WinterBee: . I also don't feel like I'm going to start my period soon either. Felt PMS symptoms last week and the week before. I think I'll test in the morning. Just so I know either way! I just keep thinking "but my boobs don't hurt" when I think there could be a possibility of a BFP.

    I'll update tomorrow!

  28. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: LOL oh my, I was thinking the same thing this morning. 'There's no way I could be pregnant, my boobs don't hurt at all' bahaha.
    I don't feel like AF is going to start either, it's getting quite frustrating.
    I just came back from visiting my friend and her week old newborn, another friend due next week. Lots of babies around.

  29. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @CWhite: congratulations!!!!!!

  30. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @WinterBee: oh my goodness. I can imagine the frustration. Prayers for patience and positive vibes your way!

  31. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @MrsDragon: after mine, I ovulated early for the next two cycles.

  32. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    Officially in my TWW. Excited that my boobs feel extra full and I'm cramping a bit, but it could be PMS. Going to try extra hard not to symptom spot this time around but look at me already doing it. Bahaha!!

  33. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @wheres_c: good luck!
    @JennyLayneAZ: good luck & look forward to your update!!
    @jstalter: good luck in your TWW! Fingers crossed you get a !!!
    @WinterBee: when will you POAS again? Fingers crossed for you!!

  34. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @MrsDragon: sorry about your loss I ovulated about a week late after my CP/early mc (5 weeks). I got pregnant then and my baby is now almost 6 weeks old. Good luck!!

  35. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @jh524: Maybe next week? I really do think I am out this month, I don't feel anything... not even AF symptoms.
    I'm just hoping AF shows up soon so that my next cycle can start. It's not often, but I have 'skipped' months in the past, so I think that might be what's happening.

  36. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I think I'm only about 9dpo today and was going to try to wait another day, but I found an old (expired) FRER and decided why not? DH and I aren't sure about this, what do you guys think?

  37. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @catlady: I definitely see a faint line; can you tell if it's pink or gray (possible evap line)? Good luck and baby dust!!!!!! Get another test and try again tomorrow!

  38. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @catlady: I feel like it looks a little pink! Obviously wouldn't trust it but I think it's definitely Reason to spend $ on another frer and retest!

  39. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @WinterBee: I'm I the same boat as you - cd39 AF should have arrived cd30-31. Last week I tested bfn. I haven't skipped a month since my first pp AF in October. No clue what's going on! When you skip a month, how long does your cycle end up being? I'm so annoyed I just want AF to come so we can finally start trying!!!!

  40. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @catomd00: I see it! Go get another frer ASAP! Eek!!

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